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Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan
Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan
hi everyone,ocean walk shit go by the lake here freeze my a s s off hahha,sorry about some of the shit everyone l is going thru,well picked up the forms yesterday,looks pretty bleak but with the help i got between doctors here and som other things i do believe things a re ok, thank goodness i'm not drinking,keep dreaming I'm in treatment frikkin nt mare ,once and only once,if you don't learn the 1st time i am a firm believer you might never,watched intervention last nt, wow, the guy died,ouch,35, owned his own business,successful, owned spas was a hunk,what boose did to him was offal,then the second one, was worse the guy was admitted 12 times for Al poisoning ouch again,bloody amazing he was still alive,surprised he wasn't committed,thank goodness i dont have to watch them every day, but it is a good reminder where addiction can take you gyco
Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan
Morning all. No work for Wishy today so a nice quiet day ahead. I have to take sister and baby to docs for the baby's last lot of injections but that about as busy as my day gets.
Oney ... I hope Ava gets better soon, sending get well hugs x x
Starts .... How the plans for the Mac going?
Kapo ... Good job on not giving in to the dreaded drink after such a hard and upsetting moment, you really do rock x x x
Cy ... Wow you are awake ealier considering, thought your little adventure to the shop would have tired you out!
Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan
Hey again all! Weird how it's nearly midnight here and nearly midday for so many of you!
I just have to tell y'all about today : I ran into an old druggie mate who owed me money, from not THAT long ago, and he abused the sit out of me, in public, and I fucking cried in the middle of a shop. Then he texted me and said he was going to tell my work that I used to use a needle, as before I asked him about the money we chatted superficially for a few minutes. Man, I felt punched in the gut. Then I got relly angry, as you do! Oh well, the BEAUTIFUL part of the story was about an hour later I realised the thought of a drink had NOT come into my head in those two BIG emotional moments - usually drinking would be the FIRST thing I would have done to rid myself of these awful feelings.
Anyhoo, me mate textd again about 8pm, EXTREMELY remorseful and sorry, and blamed (of course) his day 5 no drugs.......
SIGH. Thanks for being here for me to share that! It has pretty much all gone ( the bad buzz) - am SOOOOO grateful to still be sober!*Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*
Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan
Ok thanks Kap. Feeling a bit sort of 'lost', unsure, but otherwise fine. I know these feelings are just passing through, and that's ok...No drink temptations or anything.......
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan
G'day Oner's...Yep, just a bit of an off feeling, but all ok here, thanks.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan
Morning lovely troopers!
Well done Kap! That is what I find- as soon as something unpleasant happens the thought of a can of beer presents itself in my mind. It's great Al did not get in- even for a nanosecond.
Bit late today I should have already left to get stuff for the shop- thats the problem with this sort of store, when you are not in it you are out stocking it up.
Still nevermind, lovely day here again.
I have caught the intervention addiction bug- watched Edwin and Betina this morning, any good alcohol suggestions? Saw Christy yesterday- some of them are really disturbing.
Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan
Feeling better already....ahhh, the magic of the 'Army'!...Hiya Wish. Off a surfin' now. Have a great day all, and take care out there!
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan
Hey Wishy - hope you are having a good morning so far.
Gat - thank God you are such a positive and determined soul! These times can be rough ay mate. Just stay on here lots (that's what I like to do) and keep TALKING about it to us IF you want to, of course!We certainly care, mate
*Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*