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Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

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    Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

    do you have the number?
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

      Have been without Internet all afternoon in the shop- a bit mad because I wanted to watch more Interventions.

      Cy- let us know what they said as soon as you can. Hang on in there- you can and will beat this.


        Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

        I agree Cy, you need some face to face support. Please make that call.
        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


          Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

          Have a few mins, then got to do my grocery shopping. BORING.
          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


            Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

            Neither of my parents drank thank goodness, but I do feel for those of a generation before ours- what did they have? No internet, no easy access to information about alcoholism- just GPs and maybe AA really. I do think anyone who managed to sober up and stay that way from that generation has done extremely well.


              Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

              Hi guys...
              Cy, you have had some excellent advice, I really hope you take it buddy...
              Oney, talking with your dad must have been a revelation...that is good to hear
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

                Does he know anything about you?
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

                  its funny isn't it, you think it 'takes one to know one' but if you don't see him everyday I guess it would be easy for it to go un-noticed. I think my family know I have a problem, but don't know how bad it did get.

                  I'm just starting Lawrence Intervention- I think this is the one where he dies- it will be harrowing, he is a young man, around 30 odd.


                    Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

                    Thats a key trait of alcoholism, hiding it isnt it? My family dont really know how bad i was (i dont think)
                    I think it will really help your relationship Oney, you can move on from how he was...thats good.

                    I only watched half the lawrence one Marby, I must finish it...
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

                      the Lawrence one is, in some ways, the worst one I have seen.


                        Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

                        Yes, watching him say that with a great big plastic cup of vodka in his hand is just plain weird.


                          Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

                          Last night I saw the one on the actual TV! I don't usually watch whole TV shows on YouTube... maybe on Hulu, though...


                            Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

                            hi again all, just about to hop in the shower for work. 10:40am here in my neck of the woods.
                            Lawrence is my favorite Intervention for many reasons.
                            My heart broke for him. His behaviour was he had digressed back in time to being a little boy. His denial is frightening. It is a hugely eye opening and soul touching Intervention for me. To witnes how far alcohol can take a person into the pit of despair, and "no turning back".
                            He was handsome and intellegent enough to start up a busines, successful, etc, and yet none of those superficial things protected him from AL's clutches. :upset: I cried again watching it even though it was my second time veiwing it right through.

                            I hope you all have a fabulous day!
                            Keep fighting the good fight.

                            hugs to all that want 'em,

                            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                              Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

                              Hi everyone a fly by here work is crazy busy today (YAY!!!). WIP I found out last night my step brother finally checked into in-patient rehab somewhere in the KC area. I am relieved for my step mom's sake but hope it is a good one do you know of any in the area? This one sound like it might be run by a religious org. it has St. in the name my sis told me I forgot.
                              vegan zombies want your grains


                                Army thread Tuesday 27th Jan

                                Keeta, I agree with all of that...

                                Oney, Hulu is an online TV and movie-watching thing. You can watch a lot of stuff for free but it has a few very short ads embedded in the shows. I've been watching that TV series "24" on Hulu. It's nice! Google it. I don't know if you can get it in Ireland?

