Looks are only skin deep..and they fail with age...true beauty comes from within and grows stronger with time
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Being Sober
Being Sober
My Sweet Cap,
#9 You are sensitive, care deeply about others and give of yourself. I can't begin to tell you how much you helped me when I was so worried about my son. It's amazing how a person half way around this planet, that we have never laid eyes on, can be such an amazing influence in the life of another person.
I love you for that quality, for sure!
As an older lady, I can speak from experience regarding men. (Now, don't get the wrong idea, there!) I have found that most of the men I have known, who posess what people would say are good looks, quite frankly are usually assholes. (sorry ~ just no other word that describes them as well) These guys experience early on, the benefits that their looks, can get them. They get the girls, the "regular joe's" feel intimidated in their presence, etc. Unfortunately, most of them never evolve beyond this point. Regular Joe, on the other hand, is forced to cultivate his other assets. And in my opinion, that is a blessing for good ole Joe. He develops his mind, his communication skills, his vocation. He looks around at the world, rather than in the mirror at himself. He takes an interest in other people. He is broader, more cultural, emotionally mature, more giving & responsible. A women of quality, will see the difference immediately. I can know, within 5 minutes of meeting a man my age, which one he is. If he is good ole Joe, I would take the time to linger and get to know him better. It's not about looks, it's about "Substance". You, my dear friend, have substance! Love, Best"It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008
Being Sober
Cap, you are one of the funnyest, kindest, warmhearted and lovely men I have ever come across. You are intelligent, sensitive and caring. God, you have so many gifts my friend. The trouble is we dont see ourselves as others see us.I think we have to start listening to our good friends and believing them for a change.
I love you Cap, this place is a better place because you are in it xLiving now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009