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First Day and Why MWO is So Good for You!

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    First Day and Why MWO is So Good for You!

    Well, I got through the day. It may not have been the success I had dreamed up yesterday, but it was success.

    I believe that if we are better than yesterday it is success. If the goal is to be better then 1 drink less counts. If the goal is to eat less then one less French fry counts. If the goal is to slow down then 1 mile per hour less counts. All we can do is improve so it all counts.

    So today, I drank so much less than yesterday and I did not even start drinking until way later in the day. And I ran today which is something I have not even been making room for due to the drinking. So I am going to count this as progress. Yeah, I could have done better and yeah, I should have, but why beat myself up when I can focus on the improvements that I did make.

    Tomorrow is a new day with more room for improving on this day. I am hopeful.


      First Day and Why MWO is So Good for You!

      Great job crofty! I still hang around ODAT thread and some folks there talk about being frustrated with counting AF days and starting over, etc. So it came up that striving for progress not necessarily perfection counts. Keep working towards that goal whatever it may be! Get your bike tuned up for spring!
      Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


        First Day and Why MWO is So Good for You!

        I'm thinking this thread might be a comfy place to visit. I'm working on moderation, is that okay? I still need to take it ODAT...and have more AF days than I have been. I need the "I'm not going to drink today" encouragement. You guys sound great. Sara
        "When she enjoyed her drinking she couldn't control it, and when she controlled it, she couldn't enjoy it." (from The Big Book)


          First Day and Why MWO is So Good for You!

          hi croft i didnt no you were gone,you sound a lot like me, its called chronic dependency syndrome, its a phrase used to describe our condition, in anything,i do, its to much,eating,running,working which as of rt now im not doing,my health has been affected by the to much syndrome,it takes time but it evetually catches up,just like drinking, we were fun to be with at one time,as we aged we started to do to much, overdose is a nother word,im ramblin,im glad your doing better, i have a lot of time,have to read some of your old threads,if you like running or what ever, slow down, gyco

