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Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

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    Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

    lushy;534268 wrote: Actually Brightlite, one thing I really got out of watching Oprah was that synthetic hormones are not as bad as they have been made out to be. It is too hard for me to explain here but maybe there is a copy of the show somewhere on the net so people can see how it was described. I found the show to be extremely informative and know I could benefit from some hormones.
    My own doctor would argue with you until the cows come home about the safety of synthetic hormones. Just because it's on Oprah don't make it so...just my opinion.

    ETA on Soy. If you have any thyroid issues, make sure you do some research before using a lot of soy products. I personally won't touch them. Oprah's doctors IMO, missed the boat big time on that issue.

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

      I have been following this thread with interest.
      I am too young I think (40) to get any hormones, but I wonder, like look at Helen Mirren? She looks amazing. How does she look the way she does? How old is she anyways? Past 60, I think. Does she take hormones, or just take good care of herself?
      It seems funny you have to buy so many things just to be healthy. Why is that? What is wrong with our bodies that we have to be corrected with hormones?
      Also, I googled Suzanne Somers, and I saw a seminar taped, her talking to doctors, so I think she can recommend them, after they take her class...which is fine, just seems a little funny, like a place where celebrity and medicine meet, and everyone wins financially...
      Any thoughts? I really am not criticizing, just interested, and have questions.


        Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

        Gone too far w/ V.

        Does anyone out there find that Suzie S. is going a bit overboard with the vitamins?

        I've heard in past that if you take too much Vit. C it will wash thru your body but other vitamins can damage your liver &/or kidneys.

        I think I would gag if I had to take more that 3 big vitamins. And why do they make these darn vitamins so big anyway?

        Plus she has an organic garden. WOW . . .

        I say see your doctor and ask question, heck, surf the Net before following like a lil lamb.


          Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

          And a horse do I...LOL! Great points KateH and Ready to Change!

          KateH I am happy to hear you are doing well and feel good on the bioidenticals.

          Everything I need is within me!


            Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

            Thanks, Brightlite.

            Just for clarification. Suzanne has put this information out there through lectures and books, but, she does not prescribe hormones, nor anything else for anyone, nor does she recomend that anyone buy hormones online. She recomends going to your own doctor and asking the right questions. If your own doctor is not well educated in this area, find another doctor. Personally, I would never take a prescription drug without a doctors supervison. Period.

            Another piece of information, not all doctors are specialists nor up on the latest information in all areas of medicine. It is impossible for doctors to be up on the latest advances in all areas of medicine. That is why doctors specialize. I do believe that it is important to do our own research and seek out the right doctor for our health and well being.

            As for vitamins, SS does not recomend that everyone take the vitamins that she takes, and she fully admits to being a bit overboard with her regime. I take vitamins which I have researched and believe are best for maintaining my health and vitality. But, the bottom line is that nothing is a replacement for a healthy diet and exercise along with a healthy mind!!!
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

              Good points KateH and DoggyGirl (all those with thyroid issues, beware!), and the rest, of course.

              As for vitamins, you need to do some research on this if you want to know which ones are good in heavy doses and which you need to be careful with. In "Seven Weeks to Sobriety" and also in "Nutritional Healing" (a major natural healing Bible, or reference guide, really), massive doses of SOME vitamins and minerals are prescribed. Of course, they are carefully researched and are supposed to be extremely effective in these high doses WHEN APPROPRIATE.

              For example, we with alcohol problems probably need about 10 times as much vit C and Cal-Mag (or more?) as do "normal" people, and maybe 5 times as much Bs (?). I don't recall everything, but I do try to follow the advice of these professionals and not just "make up" my protocol as I go.

              As far as I can tell, this heavy supplementation has only had benefits for me, with no side effects. (Although, like Croft, they sure do pile up!)
              Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

              Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

                I haven't read Suzanne's book and I am not a big fan of going overboard on supplements. I think it's best to eat really well and get your vitamins that way. It's prob a huge business of course. I also don't know much about hormone supplements.

                But I did want to say that I was very impressed with Suzanne's appearance on CNN recently. I think it's on her website. Her advice for digestive health was: CHEW. I thought that was really interesting. So many women have stomach problems, resulting from poor digestion and something as simple as not chewing your food could be causing them.

                I would read her book and as others say, don't follow it like a lamb but see if there are some interesting things you would like to try. She seems inspiring to me even if you don't take all the advice.


                  Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

                  Nancy, you make a great point, here. One that I whole heartedly agree with and that is this, take control of your own life, your own health and your own well being. Never blindly follow anyone else's opinions. Suzanne as well as Dr. Northrup both highly recomend doing your own research and asking the right questions when we seek out a Dr. or any professional......definitely sound advice!

                  Too, a point, I also agree about eating right to get the nutrition that we need. The problem is that so much of our food, is not local, and depleated in natural nutrients. I also fully admit that, even though I have the best intentions on eating right, with a very busy career and lifestyle, I do not always eat as I should! So, I choose, to also take a vitamin regimen as an "insurance policy", if you will. Over of the best things that I have done for my health during the past year was to take alcohol completely out of my diet!!
                  A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                  AF 12/6/2007


                    Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

                    Doctor Dean Edell on the radio cautions against vitamins all the time and he comes from a family that made their living in the vitamin business. Sometimes vitamins are like adding fertilizer to a malignant tumor.


                      Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

                      I totally agree with Kate about Suzanne's view on the vitamins--she did say she is over the top on that. But the whole time I watch her down those supplements, I'm thinking, Someone needs to turn this woman on to some AllOne Powder!!!!!!:H
                      NF since June 1, 2008
                      AF since September 28, 2008
                      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                        Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

                        Hi all -
                        I just read an article criticizing Oprah in Newsweek online, very recent. Comments are that actual doctors on the show were discounted, off center stage, and that hormone therapy is linked to breast cancer. Which Suzanne Somers apparently got after starting with this. I guess she is cured, but then had a hysterectomy because she was getting uterine cancer.
                        I want to look like a twenty year old for the rest of my life, but I did want to mention this. Sorry I am too low tech to attach a link.


                          Oprah today -- Suzanne Somers and hormones

                          SYNTHETIC hormones have been linked to cancer. This is NOT NOT NOT what Suzanne Somers takes or recommends.

                          Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                          Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                          One day at a time.

