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    I thought I'd throw this out there for those of us who are actively looking, feeling insecure, need a change, whatever. AND those who are not but can give advice. I feel like I'm dancing around the black pit of fear as I see my present employment coming to an end and I am ineligible for unemployment benefits. Fear, as we all know is a big trigger.

    Anyone want to share thoughts, give suggestions, point to websites?
    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


    No great advise here Greenie...just want to say that I know you are a competent, capable, caring woman and any employer will be better of for having you in their employ...
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!



      Hubby lost his great job early December. He has found a job but we're still short 200 a month. Things are good, then things are bad. Apply for any help you can get(foodstamps, WIC,), but pray for the future. The great depression only lasted 3 years, so we're half way through.



        greeniebean, I have suffered through some hellish stints of unemployment. One thing that helped me a bit was You have to register, just takes a minute, and there are threads and forums where you can ask questions and get advice. There are people on there that have a lot of background in hiring/HR that answer questions. For instance, I was floored after being turned down for a job I thought I had nailed, I asked if it would be acceptable for me to try to pin them down and tell me why they turned me down, and I got advice from several people. You can also read other people's stories on what helped them, etc. Not so different from here .... there is resume help there, etc.

        I still don't get why you can't get unemployment? Just set it up so you don't quit voluntarily. Make him fire you and then if you can prove it wasn't for "just cause," you should qualify ....
        :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!



          kittyhead, family member employees are ineligible. Period. I qualify for benefits from the date of separation (September) but I don't know if a payments can be made after the fact. Working on finding that out.
          Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT



            well, I still want to dunk him in hot tar :H:H:H
            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


              JOB SEEKERS THREAD

              Anybody else?
              Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                JOB SEEKERS THREAD


                I wish I could help but I am in a similar situation. And it is scary. You are right fear is a big trigger.
                Maybe if we keep this thread going we can get more suggestions
                AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                  JOB SEEKERS THREAD

                  Can you get alimony?
                  And MM, thanks for saying that. This economy thing I am letting scare me...


                    JOB SEEKERS THREAD

                    I was just going to say, that, Lila.

                    Greenie, can't you get alimony? Or do you only qualify if there are children?

                    I was laid off December 1/08. I have been looking for other work; but it is looking pretty bleak out there. Luckily enough I qualify for Employment Insurance and have savings stashed.

                    For those who are really strapped and can't get help, my heart goes out to them. This economy crisis is only getting worse by the day. It depresses me for others when I watch the news.

                    Greenie, hugs to you. Good for you for remaining sober!


                      JOB SEEKERS THREAD

                      Oh, I really feel for you guys..
                      Hubby and I are retired but the "fixed" income does not go as far as it once did.

                      I've been looking for ways to cut back expences.
                      One way I do that is grow as much of our food as we can and limit meat to a seasoning instead of the main course.
                      Like last night we had dried pinto beans seasoned with some left over ham...about 3/4 cup and some veggies....cabbage from our garden and cornbread.
                      Mac and cheese......real homemade... is a good choice for kids..

                      I try to stick to the outside isles of the grocery store for better nutrition and less processed food.

                      We keep our heat at 64 degrees and put on a sweater if too cool.

                      I do laundry in cold water and dry outside if I can.

                      I buy on sale and make my menu around that.

                      We don't drink soft drinks and make our own tea at home.

                      I make bread also.

                      We compost and recycle. Newspaper and veggie and fruit peels, coffee grounds and filter, anything except fat or meat and bones goes into the compost.

                      I hope and pray things get better soon.
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        JOB SEEKERS THREAD

                        We're negotiating the settlement, including the alimony. I hope to settle for a lump sum and be done with it. alimony is dependant on his future earnings and I just don't know where that is going.
                        Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                          JOB SEEKERS THREAD

                          Hey there Smiley Toes!

                          Just sending you good wishes. I know how hard it has been for you to go through this. I know you can find work. You are such a great person. And you have done such a great job with this challenge.

                          Thinking about you all the time!!

