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Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

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    Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

    Don't focus on what the teacher has said...Adam will be fine...not a Doctor or Lawyer but a soul who is of great service to mankind !!! Watch and see.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

      Just got a text from my parents and they got to barbados ok, they are just waiting to board there cruise ship now. That has put my mind at rest. They are going to call tmr, i can't wait to speak to them.


        Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

        Evie.Lou;533648 wrote: Oney, I don't know much, but I KNOW YOU HAVE NOT FAILED ADAM!!!! Please listen to me on that one..OK???
        I believe we choose our parents, not parents choosing the kids...interesting thought and hard to get your brain around ...but that's what I believe..
        Can you imagine a soul looking for a body to come back into their soul group...then I WILL TAKE THAT ONE...and bammm, you are there's. We choose our parents because of unresolved karmic issues and so that we can be teachers to one another.
        I fully believe that and to some extent that is why we are at this site and not getting drunk tonight.
        LTG AF January 13, 2011


          Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

          Oney, my luv... you would have failed ALL your children, if you would not provide for them, if they were not dressed for the season and if they went to bed hungry.

          YOU are doing what you can to make sure they have what they need!
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013


            Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

            Wish, glad your parents are safe!!! :h
            LTG AF January 13, 2011


              Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

              one2many;533640 wrote: You will all think this is really stupid but I was very upset...

              Adam came home from school with a letter in an envelope for was from his teacher, telling me that based on the results of tests that Adam was going to need extra tuition in English, he has to attend Learning Support Classes from next week.

              I burst into tears when I read it..away from Adam of course...I was just not prepared for this, I was good in school and never had any problems...Wob said...Oh i went to those classes too, that just made even more upset....

              To be honest it is my fault because i have to take in extra kids to make ends meet and I have 4 homeworks to do every day and it takes so much time and I am not giving that time to I feel like I am failing him.

              But now I am thinking...ok..right, he is going to get the help he needs and I am going to make more time for him in the eveings to help him more......I just thought he was doing ok...he is a little devil and has a low attention span but I always thought he was doing ok in school.

              it really upset me.
              Oney, it is not your fault , there is nothing you could have done and he is getting great help. Alex has a full time special needs assistant, and 2 resource teachers and at first I was overwhelmed by all of his help, he had psychologists and speech therapists telling me he was way below average and I was soo upset, what did i do wrong, im a lazy mum, ive let him down..all of the negaive shit. But now he is coming on great, he still needs alot of help and can not read yet but were getting there, both of us ,so dont worry.


                Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                Quick catch up - have been trying to follow what's up. It's Saturday morning here already.
                Wishy & One2, a lot of us have similar crazy childhoods and that is why we are blessed to be able to live life different to our parents. Opening up is so helpful, especially here with such special supportive friends.
                Oney, don't worry about the extra reading support.. my son also needs this. He is 10 yrs old and I'm determined to help him catch up this year. We have other issues of difficulty to face too which I will go into later. I also never had trouble with reading so it's his dad really, in more ways than one.
                Anyhooo.. I've gotta get on with cleaning house.. will move over to music thread and try to catch you in the Saturday thread if you've already gone to bed?? Will keep an eye out for any night owels


                  Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                  LookingToGrow;533650 wrote: Failing would be pushing him through the school levels when he is not ready. Next week, he will be getting the extra guidance he needs. You have enabled him to be the unique young man that is his. I would follow Evielou's advice on that. He is a blessing :h
                  couldnt agree more!


                    Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                    You lot have the toughest jobs in the whole world. I take my hat off to you all
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                      Hi there fickle!
                      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                        Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                        startingover;533678 wrote: You lot have the toughest jobs in the whole world. I take my hat off to you all
                        wot..that little green one?:H


                          Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                          one2many;533682 wrote: Awwhhh thanks Limers and Ficks, good to know I am not alone in this...
                 are you ready for a big boot in that big arse??:H


                            Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                            LOL! Nice to see you are all up!!
                            Enjoying the music O2 & Limers!


                              Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                              limers;533683 wrote: wot..that little green one?:H
                              Nope thats you in the green, in your little stalkers cat suit get up...:H
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                                Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                                oh yeh...forgot that! Hiya Fickle..

