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Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

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    Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

    Yes they are LTG and it is so damaging when they are not
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

      and this I think helps me too....
      t is as necessary to kick off the habit of using the nicotine gum as it is to stop smoking or chewing tobacco. The first thing you will require is self confidence. Remember, if you managed to stop smoking, you can definitely get rid of the habit of chewing the gum too. Just be determined, set a goal for yourself and stick to the goal. You can even take the help of your family and friends for the purpose. Remember, anything is possible if you make up your mind to do it.
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

        thinking of you, Becoming - great to have you as commited soldier!!! Love ya!
        Wish and Be - that you have each other to relate to at this time is a very good gift - WISH, I wish I had a magic wand I could make everthing OK for you and Cy.....alcoholism is SO cunning baffling and powerful, TRY as hard as you can to separate the person (loved alk one) from his disease. IT IS VERY HARD - I put up with a hell of a lot from Vea in the middle of last year - there were times when I almost COULDNT wait for him to go to prison. SOunds awful, but I was getting SICK of his rollercoaster drinking behaviour when I was struggling in sobriety. EVERYTHIND HAS WORKED OUT FOR US THO - hold on to that, Wishy and Be - that it DOES WORK OUT!!! Just keep yourselves safe first x x
        Heading to work now. Blessings all x x
        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


          Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

          Kap, stay well!! :h
          LTG AF January 13, 2011


            Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

            Sometimes I feel I can forgive my dad and then sometimes I just cant
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

              one2many;533538 wrote: For me, it was the letting me down bit....give me a glimmer of home...promise me that he would stop and then let me down again.

              I think I felt that I wasnt important enough or that he didnt love me enough to stop.

              I know better now and it was the disease...but in saying that, it was my Father...I would imagine if it were a partner it is much worse....
              My father was an alcoholic, i felt he lost all love for me and my sister as the drink was more important. The letting down and the giving hope i can realate to. It was only when he thought he had lost us, when mum asked for a divorce that he changed. He was the perfect father and really cut down, almost stopped his drinking. He was the father i had always longed for but it only lasted 6 months as he couldn't cope, he wanted his family back but mum had had enough and he just couldn't cope with that and ended it all.


                Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                My father killed himself before I could have any closure with him.
                LTG AF January 13, 2011


                  Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                  LookingToGrow;533544 wrote: But O2M, to some degree we expect our spouses to let us down from time to time, parents are suppose to be there for us 24/7 - I think.
                  I agree with that LTG. yOU HAD NO CONTROL oNEY, bE , IM NOT TRYING TO MINIMISE WHAT you are going through with your husbo, im so sorry for you, he is one lucky man, him and Cy.


                    Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                    Oney, why blame her, maybe her reactions to him were not healthy but she cant be held responsible for his irresponsibility?


                      Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                      Wish and so sorry, thats horrible.


                        Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                        putting kids to bed. See you all in a bit.


                          Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                          God Oney, Jesus, im so sorry. That is the pitts.


                            Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                            O2M, I would say I blame my mother more as well. She enabled my father and provoked him all the time. She would take the cat and run off and leave us kids with a drunk dad that also took too many prescristion drugs. We didn't have 911 back in those days.
                            LTG AF January 13, 2011


                              Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                              Oney that is awful, truly awful.


                                Army Thread Friday 30 Jan

                                one2many;533571 wrote: Its ok Limers, I think she has chosen to forget about a lot of it and if was ever to bring it up, I would be told that it didnt happen.
                                Thats not ok need to hear the sorry.

