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The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

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    The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

    Of course, we never write that...because it is never true. Truth and freedom is what we seek here; and why we shall never see such a thread. So, who is this person in the mirror now? The one with the clear head, clear vision and (what seem to be) uncontrollable thoughts?

    I thought yesterday was hard, had I any idea how difficult today would be I would have stayed in bed.

    One would think on day 27 I would be fun to be with, energetic, enthusiastic and hopeful. Being sober 27 days in a row finds unfamiliarity at best. Truth is, I don't recognize the person looking back at me in the mirror. For the last 20 years I would avoid the mirror, as it would reveal the harsh truth from the night before. Now, I find myself quizzically studying the image wondering how long I can keep this up (along with "Holy shit-I have hair in my nose!?!). The thoughts which run through the mind now often are not mine, but those of my former self...and the image doesn't fit the soft wispers of doubt anymore. So who's talking? Is it me, my true self? Or is it my old self wanting me back? (And why is there hair coming out of my ears too?)

    After finding out the "Epi-lady" I had borrowed from the wife to 'trim' my nose and ears wasn't meant for the face, I spent the whole day today in doubt, almost convinced I would binge drink tonight becuase it had been so long. While on a trip to the "man store" for the right equipment the allure of just thinking about self medicating became intoxicating.

    Akin to running across porn on the web. Boom-there it is and now what do you do? If you are like start looking around, and "hey...nobody's looking...keep going" the voices say...until a dog barks across the street and you jump up and pull the cord on the computer in a panic the dog knows something...praying-if you are a guy-nobody needs you in the next 3 minutes. Yet, there is no dog. No one to listen to your thoughts but you; free to dream and recall anything, regardless of truth or consequences. Why is it, then, we never recall the morning after. The person you will see in the mirror the next day doesn't exist in this conversation; at least it didn't today.

    Today was day 27, and today I held a bottle of whiskey. Today I know what it means to be insane. My body was 'wanting' me to continue on my path of health, yet my mind 'wanted' to feel numb. It was like being out of quarters at the arcade, and finding a roll of quarters hidden under my feet. I know I should return the quarters...yet...wanted to play one more time...just this once.

    Tonight I am sober, again. Tonight I look forward to seeing the person in the mirror tomorrow...and smiling. Becuase of today, I know I need an internal 'watch dog' who will bark when the voices start whispering sweet nothings about drinking. It is up to me to learn to discipline my thoughts; and educate myself about women's shaving instruments.

    My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"

    The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

    Man, I know this feeling.

    Don't use the razor. Women's razors are always dull and might get cut.

    And don't drink the whiskey - it too will leave you feeling dull and might get cut.


      The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

      Don't drink the whiskey. Don't make my mistake. I drank on Day 28. It wasn't worth it. After all those days of no AL in your system, that hangover is harder to shift than the ones you were used to.

      You can get a special trimmer for noses and ear hair. I remember how upset my husband was the first time he discovered he had ear hair. Times I am glad to be female.


        The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

        wow what an inspirational thread PAPA,my freind the temtation will always be there,human nature,27 days , 43 years, i talke d to a gentleman at AA, the other day,by tje way i went back the other day, 1st time in 6 months,he said even after that many years, the thot is there, the old saying,thats why we keep talking and comingto places like this,can you amagine leaving here for 6 months i cant, what ever works,when i was in treatment there was a short story poem whatever,YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW ,YOU PROBABLY HURD IT,there are 2 days in every week,which we shouldnot worry,two days which should be kept free,from fear and apprehension,one of those days is yesterday,with its mistakes and cares,its faults and blunders,its aches and pains,yeaterday has passed beyond our control,all the money in the world cannot bring back yesterday we cannot undo a single act we performed,we cannot erase a single word we said Yesterday is gone.the other day we should not worry about is tomorrow,with its possible adversities and burdens,its large promise and poor performance,tomorrow is also beyond our control,tomorrow sun will rise,either in splendor or b ehind a mask of clouds,but it will rise,until it does,we have no stake in tomorrow,for it is yet born. THIS LEAVES ONLY ONE DAY.TODAY.AND ANYONE CAN FIGHT THE BATTLES OF BUT ONE DAY.IT IS ONLY WHEN YOU AND I ADD THE BURDENS OF THOSE AWFUL ETERNITIES.YESTERDAYAND TOMORROW,THAT WE BREAK DOWN,IT IS NOT THE XPERIENCE OF TODAY,THAT DRIVE PEOPLE MAD,IT IS THE REMORSE OR BITTERNESS,FOR SOMTHING WHICH HAPPENED YESTERDAY AND THE DREAD OF WHAT TOMORROW WILL BRING LET US THEREFORE LIVE BUT ONE DAY A TIME HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY GYCO+


          The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

          I am speechless tbh!! You just say it so well.
          Congrats on 27 days AF:-)
          "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


            The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

            This one is definitely a keeper

            I think until I got to days 100+ I wasn't out of the ''gonna- drink- today'' mindset ...
            Just keep plodding .. it does get easier ... with less and less wobbles ....honest ...
            ?We are one another's angels?
            Sober since 29/04/2007


              The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

              This post took my breath away... SCARY in a way...hopeful in may other ways !!! Keep up the good work.
              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

                What a beautiful post with a wonderful follow-up, Gyco.
                "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                  The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

                  AP ~ So thought provoking and inspiring! Great post! Dump the whiskey, dear friend! Gyco, just printed your reply ~ Thanks!
                  "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                    The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

                    Wow, great post. Thank you!
                    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

                    Winning since October 24th, 2013


                      The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

                      Very eloquent and striking post
                      Thanks Aidanspappa


                        The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...


                        My day 27 yesterday was difficult as well. I am glad I am not the only insane person here. It gives me comfort that others are as uncomfortable as I at this point in the journey.

                        Skoots (mom of another Aidan)
                        "I have not failed - I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work"- Thomas A Edison


                          The person in the mirror is glad you drank last night...

                          Oh my. What a beautiful post. It stopped me cold.

                          Thanks for that
                          __________________________________________________ _

                          Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.

