I have to tell you something rather GOOD that happened yesterday. After my unpleasant night on the wine and my husband finding out....he came home from work yesterday with a book under his arm. It was called "Alcoholics Annonymous" the fourth edition. Well, reading the title made my chest tighten and i wanted to pull away and say "NO way".....but he was so nice to me I had to hear what he had to say. My hub has a friend who he spoke to about me. His friend is a recovering alcoholic and he said it was the best book he had ever read. This friend....lets call him Fred even wrote me a note inside and it made me feel less alone. Fred said the book saved his life...he goes to meetings 3 times a week...and has been off the drink for a year now. I'm reading the book now and I think it was written about me! I am recommending it to anyone here ...give it a go.
I feel good that my husband is not angry with me....just wants me to get well. He dosent know HOW bad its got for me....mind you but ....thats the secretive alcoholic in me...im clever and stupid at the same time. But i feel hes on my side. I told him that its SO hard having alcohol in the kitchen (we have several unopened bottles around) and more in the shed.....I suggested we throw them away..to avoid temptation.....but you know what he said????? He said, "What i will do is put it all away in the shed, OUT OF SIGHT - OUT OF MIND" !!!!! I nearly laughed... He has NO idea...I doesnt work like that does it! Drinking is on my mind all the time..and i will get my hands on it WHEREVER it is hiding!!! Thats a "normal" drinker for you to come out with something that...Bless him!
Anyway...Bless you all too for being there for me. Lots of love and wish me luck.