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How was January?? (Long Post)

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    How was January?? (Long Post)

    Hi All

    It's 930pm where I am, so very nearly the end of January, and I'm reflecting on how January has been for me in terms of MWO and my alcohol consumption. I've had 17 AF days, which is fantastic when compared to my usual tally of no AF days at all. I've been in social situations and moderated well, and also had a binge which ended in me throwing up, which is unusual as I'm not a binger, usually a slow and steady glass filler from around 6pm until I fall asleep on the sofa.

    I couldn't have done it without MWO, and can identify with those of you who have a 'new' addiction - the MWO boards! I know that a lot of people are struggling at the minute, and am so impressed and heartened with the level of support that is offered. There is hope for everyone no matter what their situation. Coincidentally my Mom has just started to speak to her Sister, they were estranged for over twenty years as the sister had a lot of alcohol issues, which I can remember from being very young. (At one point she managed to set the house on fire and my cousin had to jump from a window.).

    So into February. I'd like 7 consecutive days AF initially (as per GG's thread) and also to have a complete weekend AF. I'm aiming to moderate, and feel that I'm doing well, thanks to all who post and share, it means a lot. B. :goodjob:
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


    How was January?? (Long Post)

    I just joined this site 4 days ago. I have been given so much advice, wisdom and laughs. I plan my Feb to be totally AF. That's how it has to be for me.

    Betty you are doing great! Keep up the good work!:goodjob:
    RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

    "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


      How was January?? (Long Post)

      Thanks for this post! I was just reflecting on January and MWO in general (been here since October). My goal is moderation. I did 30 days AF early on which was difficult but really helped me to break that daily drinking habit I was in. I not only drank every day for many years, but on several days a week, I drank more than I should (5 or more drinks). Anyway, I've been doing well, and have met my goal of being AF more than half the days in the month. But, I do have more 5's on the drink tracker than I would like (and I think there is one 6 there too). My goal for February will be no 5's or 6's. Another goal I had was never more than 2 drinks unless it is a social occasion, and I know I broke that a couple of times during January so I'm going to work on that in February as well. But overall I am pleasantly surprised that my daily drinking habit really does seem broken. I rarely drink on weekdays now. I feel good at work! I don't get as irritated with the kids in the mornings when I used to because I was hungover and not feeling well. I am happy with where I've come, but still have more to strive for. Here's to meeting more of those goals in February!


        How was January?? (Long Post)

        This is a good thread. Thanks Sweaty. In looking back over January I am pleased, too. Of course, at the moment, I feel like crap because I went overboard last night. But, for the month I have 20 AF days. I am doing much better than before. I was a daily heavy drinker. I started to seriously try to cut back in August, but never got more than 8 AF days in any given month. So 20 is fantastic, and I intend to match it or surpass it in Feb. I hope we all meet our goals!

        Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

        If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


          How was January?? (Long Post)


          Overall, January was better than December. Total--31 of 40 days AF--wishing I could have the other 9 back for 40/40 but I can't, so I move forward. Thanks to all!:thanks:


            How was January?? (Long Post)

            Hi Oney and April, thanks for the encouragement. x.

            Frances - I've noticed your drinktracker and how honest you are, I'm having an upper limit of 3 drinks on a mod day for Feb, but I want 7 days AF first. Watch my tracker!

            Upnorth and Dill - fantastic number of AF days for you both - here's to February!

            B. x
            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              How was January?? (Long Post)

              part-way check point

              Well, here we are 11 days in to February. Was just remembering this post and thought I'd send an update. How's it going for you all?

              I immediately broke my goal of not having any 5s or 6s in drink tracker in February. It was SuperBowl sunday February 1st, and I was at a party starting around noon and into the evening and over that time, had 6 lite beers. I didn't drink after I got home and had plenty of water and felt fine the next day, which was good. Other than that, I've done Ok. Went to my brother's for dinner and had to post a '4' but I haven't broken my "no more than 2 unless it is a social occasion" goal, which I did break in January on more than one occasion.

              But, in general, especially compared to before MWO, things are great, and I'm so happy I've been so much better about my drinking. I hope I can keep it up! Drink Tracker is great to keep an eye on how you're really doing!

              One thing I've been doing which I like, is getting those small one-serving size bottles of wine. I hate to open a normal bottle because then I want to drink the whole thing and it goes bad after a couple of days and so I hate to waste it as well. So, I've been getting the small bottles and only opening one. The other day I had white wine spritzers (mixed the wine with seltzer) and used one of those single-serving bottles over the course of the evening - had about 4 very light spritzers.

              Hope you are all doing well with your goals!

