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    Hi, I found this sight last night while surfing the net. I've been struggling with an ever-increasing need to drink nightly for the past couple of years. I have this struggle in the evening with myself and mostly I lose. I'm really tired of feeling constantly on edge because of this. It's become pretty all consuming. I think about drinking at about mid-day and hold off until later. I'm so sick of the constant inner-battle, the guilty conscience, the general aspect of feeling really bad about myself, my health, my appearance...all because that glass of wine (or usually the whole bottle) is constantly beckoning me. I'm looking forward to listening to the advice of others who have been there. My occasional drinking has turned into something very unhealthy mentally and physically. I want to learn how to function without the relaxation that wine gives me because the after affects are really changing who I thought I was.


    Hi Julie! That could have been me writing that! In the morning I wonder if I have enough wine for the night and if not, how I am going to get it! I am at a bottle+ nightly, last weekend I fell holding my 2 year old, it could have been bad, been reading this site endlessly for two days, got the supps yesterday and fought the urge for the wine! I looked at it all night though and thought, if my husband has a glass I will too and that would be ok, he didn't and I am so glad.. it is so nice to wake-up with full knowledge of what I did last night!! Keep me posted, I know it's only been one night but that is more than it's been in MONTHS! good luck!



      I also went and got the supps yesterday. Of course, I drank wine last night because I had a friend over. I don't feel horrible about that...its just the drinking alone thing almost daily. What I like about this program is it isn't necessarily about abstaining completely. I think that gives me comfort. For years I was just an occasional drinker. Its since its become almost an obsession and it interferes with my ability to function normally and happily in my every day life that I recognize I have a problem. It's been years in the making but I do not want it to continue for years. I ordered the book. I look forward to reading it to see if it gives me tools for getting through the evenings. Thanks for responding. Good luck to you too!



        well, like you we had friends over last night, so much for day TWO, for me, I find I am always checking the clock to see how much longer till six pm, when I un-cork the bottle... terrible way to live, now I am trying to stay away from the clocks! didn't get sloshed though, seem to be more AWARE of how much I was drinking..
        how about you?



          I ended up drinking alone last night...usual awful feelings this morning. I'm really glad to have found this sight. I'm hoping with this constant awareness of my issues with drinking and logging onto this site I'll be able to c hange. Based upon what I've read on this site, after a month or so you start to feel more normal. Thanks for responding. Today's a new day, another day 1 in the attempt. good luck.



            julie, don't beat yourself up too much, I drank last night too (supposed to be my day 3) I totally agree with you, the more often I am on this site the more AWARE it makes me.. be good to yourself

