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jumping out of my skin

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    jumping out of my skin

    im am so bored of being sober....what is next? i need a buzz. not a freaking feel good hear the birds sing cause i am sober buzz. i know,:headbanger::headbanger: i know. i would totally regret it....i just really really want a beer sooo bad. i am lost and angry. i feel like i am not having any fun.i need a release. it had been pretty easy so far but the last week or so has been rough. no one around me really cares about my soberity (except my family of course) they just think i am being a snob for not hanging out or just wrapped up in my own problems. so i don't talk to them about anything. i will not drink. i just really want to drink.
    I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
    sober since 2/4/12

    jumping out of my skin

    Hang in there, starfairy! I think a lot have thought about AL while they are feeling bored. That was one of my biggest hurdles when sobering up.

    The 'What do I do now?'

    I did whatever to stay busy. When I was feeling grumpy and couldn't shake the feeling; I locked myself in my room, laid on my bed and thought about all of the wonderful things that an AF life is giving me.

    It isn't worth drinking. How is the weather? maybe go for a walk around the block? Drinking a big glass of cold water (pounding it back) helps too.

    Hang in there!!


      jumping out of my skin

      First of all, a BIG CONGRATS on your AF run!!! You should be proud, and I know deep down inside the real you is very proud of your accomplishment.

      A big part of quitting drinking is coming to the point where not drinking isn't something you are's who you are...a non drinker.

      At a little over a month AF your "Beast" is putting these thoughts into your mind. Part of living AF is living AF and it takes time to adjust to that. You think you are bored because you think a big option to relieve the boredom is taking a drink. Is that really an option? Do you really want to put that on the table after so long AF? Think about your thinking. Just exactly when did taking a drink become an option? This is The Beast working at his best....just trying to get you to consider taking a drink. Imagine him saying to you...." Come on...just one deserve is boring without booze....."

      It's a trick.

      When times like these happen, we have to take action and do something so we are not bored. Pick a chore you swore you would get to once you were AF....and do it! Do something productive and you will feel better about yourself and will be proud of maintaining your commitment to quit drinking.

      It's times like these when we have to look into the mirror and ask...." Do I really want a drink...or is this just the same old Beast thought process to get me to take that first drink?"

      Hope this helps....



        jumping out of my skin

        i just posted in the need help now section, as i am really having a rough day and it is taking ALL my will to keep myself from going to the liquor store...just one bottle of wine!!!!

        arh, i know it will make me mad tomorrow, i know i will regret it more than anything, i know my daughter would be VERY disappointed in me (i can hide it, right?), but goddamn...i really want a freaking glass of wine (or 5).



          jumping out of my skin

          peacenik - take a deep breath OK? Can you get busy and do something?

          Chiefs post above sums it ups. The beast is trying to trick you into drinking.

          You do have the strength to tell it to go away. I know you do. Do anything else accept buying that bottle. You will be mad at yourself tomorrow. 31 days is AWESOME!!! Keep on going!


            jumping out of my skin

            hi star, i went 10 months and decided to do the same,just a drink,everyone was in shock,but me,it was good until i started to do more,lucky for me i caught it,it can very easily got out of hand,my dear you have to decide what you have to do,sober is not easy,it is easier to pick up a drink, then not,just like its easier to just stop drinking, then to stay stopped,as some have said today,its really all up to you.i wish you well gyco


              jumping out of my skin


              You don't want a glass of wine. You don't. You're trying to bullshit yourself. Who is in charge here?

              You know it will make you mad know you will regret it..... and your daughter...shouldn't that be the BIGGEST factor?

              Get a hold of yourself and your thinking right now.

              Stop the debate in your mind. There is no debate. Take control of this and tell yourself you will not's not an option.

              The thing that leads to relapse is putting taking a drink on the table. It is not on the table.

              Think about your thinking.



                jumping out of my skin

                tyhank you don...i needed that.

                i am off to make dinner and ride my bike. i took kudzu and am going to meditate...i do not want to drink...i was feeling almost an inner need to.

                not true!!!!

                thanks again


                  jumping out of my skin

                  Starfairy & peacenik - DON'T DO IT

                  You've come soooo far..... NO wine, not even 1


                    jumping out of my skin

                    Star and Peace...and all of us

                    I am feeling a bit lonely and needy for my old friend AL also today...:teeter: I keep going back and forth in my head.

                    But I am succeeding so far at beating the bad boy back :b&d: He's like the bad boyfriend so many of us had...gets your hopes up, promises a fun time, then leaves you in the gutter, alone and feeling dirty. And you always say that the next time he calls, things will be alright.

                    They never are.

                    It's good you have us--and we have you--united we stand!


                      jumping out of my skin

                      thanks everyone,
                      i knew i would not drink....i just had that urge and those old feelings.... and to make me move on i cleaned my upstairs bathroom which is a huge chore and totally disgusting. and cheif...thanks. it really helps when i think of it as the beast...makes more sense in my head.
                      I must suppress the beast within so I can find my way out of the darkness.
                      sober since 2/4/12


                        jumping out of my skin

                        i'm here with you starfairy...i'm over the proverbial hump, just riding out the evening!

                        peace to you!


                          jumping out of my skin

                          Well done people, it is hard to yell back at the beast, you gotta to be a strong one to clean the bathroom/doing anything over having a glass, think of that and be proud, you wone that battle. In the red corner, U guys 1, in the blue corner, the Beast, a big fat 0. I personally love up norths visual aid, LOL
                          Live your life in such a way that
                          when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
                          Satan shudders & says...

                          'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'

