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I Love Being Sober Because....

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    I Love Being Sober Because....

    OK so the "I hate drinking because" and "I wish" threads were very popular so how about a thread about "I love being sober because....."

    I'll start!

    I Love Being Sober because:

    I have more energy to do all the things I need to do
    I have more energy to do all the things I WANT to do
    I have more patience with Miss 2 and Miss Nearly 4


    I Love Being Sober Because....

    • I have a sense of hope, instead of hopelessness and despair.
    • I want to live... I no longer think it would be just as good to die.
    • I sleep well at night, and wake up feeling good.I always know what I did the night before.I am no longer realistically afraid of humiliating myself, doing/saying something unacceptable or just embarrassing, while drunk.I am no longer living a double life, pretending that I am healthy and sane, while living a crazy hidden life of self-destruction.


      I Love Being Sober Because....

      I am not so angry and resentfull all the time.
      I don't hate myself because I'm drunk.
      I am learning how to cope with life sober insteading of hiding in a bottle.
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        I Love Being Sober Because....

        - I can tell people what I don't like, without getting nasty
        - I can put out the recyling without hiding the bottles in it
        - I exercise more and choose healthy food
        - I know when I'm tired, instead of staying up till all the booze is gone
        - I enjoy bedtime reading when I remember what I've read the night before
        - I never have to plan how to get home
        - I never have to worry about being caught drink/driving again
        - I don't wake up feeling like a guilty failure


          I Love Being Sober Because....

          ~no more anxiety in the middle of the night
          ~i feel healthy instead of sick
          ~i am more honest with myself and my family
          ~i get a hell of alot more done
          ~i don't waste nice days sleeping it off
          ~i fell a sense of excitement about the future
          ~i am going back to school because i know i can handle it now
          ~i can look my daughter in the eyes and tell her honestly that i will not drink again

