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Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

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    Army Thread Weds 4th FEB


    I have just managed to delete an opening thread the length of a healthy short story. AM quite a tad pissed off!
    Shall condense!!!
    Got home at luchtime today after two nights away in Christchurch.
    First night (monday) with my dear jordan and his 5 flatmates, who had all tidied the house for my stay - including fresh sheets on the bed I was offered, and a vase of flowers on the bedside table - (this from 6 15-18 year old little boy racers!)
    My prison meeting for Restorative Justice with Vea and court people was EXCELLENT. The love and sincerity in his eyes and smile just blew me away - it was a total success, I am just FULL of hope and gratitude!
    Then I went to my dad's for his 66th birhtday barbeque - and that was just BRILLIANT too!
    It is, however, FANTASTIC to be home, (despite the fact that some total FUCKWIT has been revving his V-8 just up the road for long enough now that I want to end his life for him) - and I am looking really forward to seeing you all on your awakenings!!!

    Great to be here!
    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

    Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

    Hey Kap, good to see you girl. Tell that V-8 mongrel he's taking a Fu*&ing Liberty!
    vegan zombies want your grains


      Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

      LMAO, CF - or perhaps I shall tell him that "my face IS bovvad" !!! How are you going, dear CF? Great to see you
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

        Hi Kap and CF.

        Kap, great to see you're in such great spirits. Your energy is blowing me away. Having a great day here myself (though it's still morning).

        Tell the V8 oke to watch himself, otherwise we'll send in the army
        AF since 15th March 2010

        The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


          Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

          Hi Kapo CF and Johnny!
          Great to see you lot at this hour!
          Kapo, I am delighted your trip was so very successful! That dose of goodies will keep you going for a time to come yes?
          Tell V8 to go and **** himself...
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

            Ahoy there Johnny and Starts! Fab to see you here in the army, Johnny - you are doing AWESOME, mate nearly two months ay - way to go!!!
            Starts - yes indeed I have had a dam good dose of delightful events so far this week - and ALL is a DIRECT result of remaining sober and free, One Day At A Time.
            All is very serene with the neighbourhood noise levels just now :H - dusk is upon us down under.
            How are you going Starts - great to see you are still an early bird here x x x
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

              Ah Kapo, I am not nearly as early as I used to be....but I am happy with that, I feel more like a normal person...whatever that is :-)
              I am so happy to be sober and on day 4 of my abstention from nicotine gum...
              Shite!!!! I havent even put my patch on yet!!! I forgot!!!!! Woo hoo...progress indeed!
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

                Thanks Kap, yeah, another couple of days. And you're absolutely right life is just great when you're AF!!!
                AF since 15th March 2010

                The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                  Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

                  yeah starts, the ciggies, that's another challenge, well done.!! Interestingly I saw a chart yesterday showing the addictiveness of drugs and found it interesting that nicotine was rated higher in terms of addicition than XTC and methamphetamine/speed, puts it into perspective, and rated as highly addictive as AL. Well, well done.
                  AF since 15th March 2010

                  The journey is the goal. As long as you're fighting the good fight and you're not giving up on giving up, you're winning. It's not about how often you get knocked down, it's about how often you get up again. Sobriety the goal for sure. But striving to get to that goal is what it's about. Not getting there. Because the journey never ends. The journey is the goal.


                    Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

                    Thank you many ways I feel I am cheating though..I am using the patches to help me break an 18 year nicotine gum still addicted to nicotine, but I was using the gum just like cigs and it was very unhealthy...the patches will help me break my gum cycle and then the nicotine will gradually leave my system ....for good!
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

                      Progress indeed, Starts! That is great! I quite simply can't even IMAGINE no fags....had a quick flick through yesterday's thread earlier, and see Oney's valiant NF attempt....I am really glad for you both! I guess I don't wish to be NF yet - I just LOVE a cigarette, and only smoke one when I really DESIRE one, which isn't all that often. SOme days I have as little as three, but ALWAYS enjoy them, and don't feel bad about it. I DO, however, HOPE that one day I will WANT to knock 'em on the head!
                      Well, it is nice to have a whole evening at home. Back to work tomorrow, so today is kinda like Sunday night for me! All is well enough in my world today, and that is good enough for me!
                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                        Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

                        S T A R T S ! ! ! ! !
                        YOU ARE NOT CHEATING!!!!!!! Sod that for a negative idea, darl! IT IS A PROCESS!!!!!
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

                          I LOVE your positve attitude Kap, it rubs off on me! We all have to do things as and when we are ready...I was never ready to quit the gum but I am will do it when you want to...if you want to...
                          Its a beautiful cold and frosty morning here, the sun is out and there is still plenty of snow lying around so I am going to take the dogs for a walk.
                          See you later on x
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

                            kaponium;537477 wrote: S T A R T S ! ! ! ! !
                            YOU ARE NOT CHEATING!!!!!!! Sod that for a negative idea, darl! IT IS A PROCESS!!!!!
                            Thank you Kapo! I love you for that! :l
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Army Thread Weds 4th FEB

                              Oney, deep breaths, day 3, you are rocking it girlie!!!
                              I am SO IMPRESSED WITH YOU!!!!!!!
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

