Hi Peace, glad you had a good trip! I like what you said about quiet: "You don't expect quiet, you practice with it... " As with all of life, right? Once we begin to get the hang of acceptance, we are moving into what I call being "grown up," we are stopping the childish stamping of our feet on the ground when things are not going the way we want them to. Not to say, by any means, that it is easy, or that I (for example) am a Master at Acceptance, by any means, but that it helps me tremendously to have some understanding of how much easier life is when I quit struggling with/against the parts that I don't like. That kind of struggling is just a waste of energy and gets all of our "afflictive emotions" into an uproar.
Hey, Deebs, I have had many a meditation session, too, when all was chaotic inside me, and I felt like I had "accomplished" nothing. That's OK, of course. Someone once said that a session of that sort is like trying to stay on a bucking horse till the buzzer goes off. Just staying on the cushion is a big "win" for me, sometimes... and, of course, it really isn't about winning or accomplishing anything...
I have been loving these mornings in Florida. I get up really early, just before sunrise, and do my formal sitting, then move out into the living room, with some coffee, watching the sun rise, watching the lake and the birds: cranes, ospreys, herons, ducks... it's just wonderful.
Back to Kansas City, tomorrow. It will be great to see my doggies.