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90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

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    90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

    That's great, Krigs!

    Sleepiness is common; I have been known to drift off a bit, and most people do. Our postures are meant to help keep us alert, not really out of any discomfort, just from being upright. Discomfort isn't part of the plan... it just comes along for the ride!

    The standard list of "hindrances" that arise when we practice meditation are:
    • Agitation, or restlessness
    • Sleepiness, or boredom
    • Craving, or desire (being preoccupied with wanting something other than what we have)
    • Aversion (being preoccupied with our discomfort, or current experience)
    • Doubt (having persistent thoughts that all of this is silly, or worthless)
      They are pretty much all dealt with the same way: the acronym is RAIN:

      Recognize that they are active within our mindsAccept that they are present, without judging them, judging ourselves, or trying to push them awayInvestigate them: what are the thoughts that are going on? What are the physical sensations that go along with them?Non-Identification: keep some healthy distance from them; these phenomena, like everything else (all thoughts, cravings, emotions) come and go, arise and pass away. No need to get too closelly identified with them or worried about them.

    Sleepiness is a bit of a special case, and sometimes it is helpful to actually stand up for a while, continuing the standard meditation practice of observing the breath... maybe for 1 or 2 minutes, remaining standing... then sit back down...


      90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

      The crap goes on


        90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

        Which self help book shall we copy today tell us about it and make it sound like your own thought


          90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

          OK! Enough is Enough....Capt. If you want to express your anger and discontent....please go elsewhere....start a different thread....this is utterly selfish of you...self centered and mean! You are making a fool of yourself!
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

            Youre the fool kate!!!!!@! youre the one whos referencing Cinderalla you grow up!!!!!!!


              90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

              And I wonder why I don't post on General much. RJ is this fair???

              AF since 9 May 2012
              Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

                Here is a story I have always loved:

                Once there was a Zen center in which there was one man who was obnoxious, rude, had poor hygiene, and just generally bothered the hell out of all the other residents. They coped with him as best they could... but nobody liked him. One day, everyone was surprised and delighted to find that the guy had packed up and left! The Zen Master found out soon enough... and instead of being happy, he went out, found the guy, and paid him to come back! The other students were devastated; they asked WHY did you do this? The teacher replied: this man is your very best teacher, a better teacher to you than I am. He will teach you to control your minds, your impulses, and your tongues.


                  90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

                  Cap, really. Don't take out what is happening in this economical downfall on WIP. It is too easy to become envious of someone who isn't currently experiencing what you and your family are at the moment.

                  I know many people have lost their homes, jobs (I am one of those people), etc... BUT it isn't WIP's fault at all.

                  She is simply sharing a part of herself to help people find peace and relaxation through meditation. It is something to HELP people; not to flaunt her personal posessions.

                  Enough, already.... OK?


                    90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

                    That's good, WIP!
                    "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                      90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!


                      You're a sad, sad character. Why don't you spend some energy improving your own life instead of whingeing on about how unfair things are. Get off your arse and DO something constructive!

                      Wip, sorry to add bad vibes to your thread.
                      AF since December 22nd 2008
                      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                        90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

                        Marshy you must be youre name sake wet and damp!!!!


                          90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

                          That is a thought provoking story WIP. We so often do learn from those that we find intollerable. This rant makes me feel grateful to no longer be have the courage to look inside myself, without fear. To be able to sit in silence and just "Be" with the silence.
                          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                          AF 12/6/2007


                            90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

                            Yea enough!!!!! I still think people who can meditate on clean floor boards have no idea what its like for the rest of us and to feel the sense of "be " makes me wanna have a big crap for some people alcoholisim is a dam struggle for others its a struggle and then something to lecture others about how to overcome because they have nice houses nice enviroments and they dont have to worry about being homeless middle class wankers telling you how to find the BE talk about learning from the intollerable self pumped idiots hey next time you see a alcoholic homless person give him a hand I work for the local salvo shelter dishing food and freindship they need they certaintly dont need to know how to sit and BE they just need a safe place to survive


                              90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

                              The other question, maybe brought up by 'Cap'n' in a rather,um, interesting way, is how do you do what is good for you in the face of a significant life stressor? I have been reading this thread, but I am also feeling consumed by worries, and it is just counterproductive....
                              I don't know if there is an easy answer, but I bet a lot of us here have a lot on our plates, and how do you stay sane? Usually, I am pretty cheerful and optimistic, but these past few days, I have let my fears get the best of me...


                                90-Day Meditation Practice Challenge!

                                So Clean YOUR Floors! Or, sit on the sand or in the grass....look for a way out of the mess that you have created, rather than seeking to destroy those around you who are seeking a path of peace.

                                In the book The Fountainhead....Ayn Rand, wrote of those that cannot tolerate the goodness and good work of others by saying "They seek to destroy with pure Hatred of the Good for Being the Good"......
                                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                                AF 12/6/2007

