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Do you have rednecks in the U.K. and Oz?
Do you have rednecks in the U.K. and Oz?
Sorry to hear about your brother and that township.........The Native Americans (USA) understood the balance of life on this earth. We should take heed from their knowledge......IAD
?Be who you are and say what you feel because
those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
Dr. Seuss
Do you have rednecks in the U.K. and Oz?
Shite, now I know I might qualify as a certifiable redneck...put a hat on my horse this morning cause she looked cold and just got done chasing a rooster off my porch and sweeping chicken shit away from my front door...:upset: what do ya think pals?
Do you have rednecks in the U.K. and Oz?
Another note about northern rednecks. They often wear baseball or trucker hats. They love guns. And for some reason, male rednecks often shave their heads! This is not a good look for most men. My mom and I were driving through a small town this past summer and saw four men with beer bellies and shaved heads. She said, "oh, look at those skinheads!" I explained to her that actually, skinheads are neo-nazis and that those four guys were just plain old Wisconsin rednecks!:H:H:boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!
Do you have rednecks in the U.K. and Oz?
Well, thats one good thing, I don't shave my head (yet) but I'll be worried if I find myself........sittn on the stoop, chawn on a twiga straw, come evnin, with my kins paintball gun, waitn for that dangd ol rooster:H