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Army Thread 7th February 2009

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    Army Thread 7th February 2009

    Good Morning Army,

    I have just caught up with last nights thread and feel so damn proud of you all...
    Cy, it was wonderful to hear how well you did at AA, i am delighted you have found somewhere you can really open up.
    Oney, well done on notching up another day without smokes.
    Everyone elses attitude is so upbeat that even though I feel a bit shitty, it made me feel good. We can all beat these crappy addictions. We just need time and support and thats what we get here...its lovely.
    So, day 2 for me with no nicotine...last night I felt really quite unwell, a bit like I had flu, all achy, touchy and and I thought it best if I tuck myself away for the night. Anyway I fell asleep at 8 and woke at 5 this not bad..
    I had some very strange drinking and smoking dreams involving lots of people from my past which was a bit disconcerting. I havent had a drinking dream for a long while...Is this the beast in his death throes?
    Anyway, I am going to do my best to have a postive day today. Again it looks like I will be pretty much confined to staying in as all the snow we had yesterday has now frozen solid! Never least its day 2 and not day 1 again
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 7th February 2009

    Hi Starts and hello Army,

    the mad nutter from Singapore is back... A very special hello to Oney the antichrist, she knows what i mean, just had to send that out to you before she starts weilding wooden spoons to break accross me arse.

    Guys, to those of you who wrote me lovely messages yesterday when feeling down, thanks loads, I love you all for it. Am very grateful X

    Starts, i had the most awful AL nightmare Tuesday, the mind (or mine especially) can be SO f**ked up at times.... i was really disorientated when i woke up ( and hadnt been near any grog) but wasnt quite sure where I was.
    Hope you feeling better than yesterday
    Live your life in such a way that
    when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
    Satan shudders & says...

    'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


      Army Thread 7th February 2009

      Neuro! Its great to see your little arse back here today!
      I may well be taking over from oney today as the devil incarnate...this is me this morning

      I think the dreams are our subconcious minds letting go of our bad habits.
      Are you feeling better today?
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 7th February 2009

        Morning Starts and Neuro!!
        Hang in there Starts, I also had the flu like symptoms and used them as a good excuse to put myself to bed for the day with a good book. Yesterday felt like I had the wind knocked outa me -- I just had NO energy to do anything at all, I could barely keep my eyes open at work.
        I intend to keep myself very busy today as I am taking a bit of strain this morning.
        Neuro, I hope today is a happy day for you:-)
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Army Thread 7th February 2009

          Hiya Deebers! Thanks for that, I thought I was malingering or something! Yes, it does feel very much like flu doesnt it? In that case I will treat it as such...its similar to withdrawing from alcohol for me...I must just give it some time...
          Are you feeling better today? How many days is it for you now?
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread 7th February 2009

            The road outside is frozen solid and yet the neighbours think its acceptable to just rev higher to get themselves moving...Jeeze its not even 7am!!!!!!
            Grumpy Starts!
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              Army Thread 7th February 2009

              It's a WHOLE week today Starts... can you believe?!? Come on, if I can do it, then so can you.
              Treat yourself to a hot toddy (without the toddy ofcourse lol) lots of Vit C and rest.
              I feel okay today, no bundle of energy, but hey I can't complain.
              I'll be thinking of you today :-)
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Army Thread 7th February 2009

                Wow Deebers! I am inspired now...I have had my 4g of lglut, plus a host of other stuff, I have some vit c I think, so will chuck some of that into the mix.
                You are doing so great....are you at all grumpy?
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army Thread 7th February 2009

                  Hi Dee Bee,

                  yeah, Im doing better today.....onwards and upwards, and must think good thoughts. i had my first ever counselling session tuesday so thats where the bad dream came from, but it was horiffic, dreamt I was on the streets and my family and friends wanted nothing to do with me.......a lesson in there maybe.

                  Starts, you and Oney are so gutsy to fight your demons, I cant think of any two nicer antichrists ...but that is a scary picture....hope it does get easier, if I were you I would get back under the blankets fo a bit
                  Live your life in such a way that
                  when your feet hit the floor in the morning,
                  Satan shudders & says...

                  'Oh sh*t the B!tch is awake!!'


                    Army Thread 7th February 2009

                    Wow Neuro, that is certainly a nightmare!
                    Yep, I am going to just do whatever I want today...and if the blankie calls me...I will answer :-)
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Army Thread 7th February 2009

                      startingover;540502 wrote: You are doing so great....are you at all grumpy?
                      Ummmm JA!!!:upset:

                      Although I am in fits here laughting at the monkeys sticking their head through my bedroom window only to find me sitting here -- both of us looking at each other with saucepan eyes :-0

                      Wow, Neuro, it does sound hectic. I hope that you get lots of P and Q this weekend.

                      Right, I have to, have to get off my laptop now:H.... see you all later.
                      "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                        Army Thread 7th February 2009

                        Monkeys???? I want one!!!! whaa whaa whaa!!!!!!
                        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                          Army Thread 7th February 2009

                          Hiya Zenny! A cheese sambo wont help you sleep hun, doesnt cheese give nightmares???
                          Oh well, stay and chat a while, that'll send you off in no time :-)
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 7th February 2009

                            Ah well, keep shoveling them in then :-)
                            I wanna monkey baby!!!!
                            It threw a mango at you?????
                            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                              Army Thread 7th February 2009

                              Yeah me too Zen...I am quite happy with my weight at the moment but I am VERY worried about putting on when giving up the nicotine....big worries!
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

