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Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

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    Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

    I know many may not agree with me but....
    I propose that those of us (mostly you all because I stopped responding to him almost immediately) who have tried to help Network and are not getting anywhere with him stop replying to his threads until he decides to really get serious. Ever since he started posting here he has only tried to get ideas for and others converted to his way of still drinking. By doing this he is not helping anyone who is really serious about getting help. By doing this he is only harming the recovery of others. I think we should still read his posts to make sure he is not posting anything that could hurt others like the antabuse thread but don't (sorry to say it) waste your time replying. We all don't deserve to feel so angry at this person. Respect yourself and let him be.


      Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

      I agree

      I agree with Dove and WIP and others. I have not seen the original post, but have read some of these responses. Half way through I decided that the best way to eliminate this problem is to ignore it--or any person who would do anything dangerous and disruptive.

      I, for one, am here for love, support and help from people in the same situation as me. I will do my best to give back all that to those who need it when I feel strong and capable of giving it. If I want unhealthy living, bad advice, anger and spite and resentment--well, there is plenty of that in real life. Oh, hey--that's a small part of why I drink in the first place. :H

      MWO is a sanctuary, a place for peace, harmony and understanding. For love and acceptance. We need to work together to keep it that way.:h

      My love and blessings to you all. Now let's start fresh and end this thread once and for all.


        Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

        To all people that did not see the original thread.
        In my opinion the thread was harmless i was just trying to tell you my own experience with antabuse.It meant no harm, but i can see that for some people it could be offensive.
        I asked the thread to be deleted cos i realised how much anger it created. As i said ibefore i just wanted to tell you my own experience with it.
        We are your friends. You don't need to be alone again. So come along.


          Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

          Well, network, there isn't a single other person on this site who agrees that what you were doing and spouting off on was "harmless." So, maybe, you ought to think about working on your attitude. You are the one who is out of step, here.


            Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

            Network, I might have given you the benefit of the doubt for speaking without thinking about possibly causing harm to others by your previous post. But your constant insistance that your post was harmless as well as you accusing me of arbitrarily deleating said post proves to me that you are a liar and without concience.

            I would suggest that those reading your posts use their heads and take what is said by you with a grain of salt. Including the your story yesterday about having gone one month alcohol free and with only one night of drinking only 7 drinks, you were sent into such severe withdrawal that the only way that you could survive was to drink one drink every hour yesterday. Once again....this post did not ring true, in fact, it was utterly rediculous!

            I do not know if you are a child.....or someone who is simply entertaining yourself by playing around with people who are serious about overcoming this very serious addiction. Either way, you are out of line.
            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

              I say ban him and let's get on with it.

              He is obviously here to stir up shit and it is simply draining our energy. We can't spend all of our time babysitting this person. Ensuring he doesn't post something that can be fatal to another.

              He is enjoying the banter back and forth and the attention. I believe he has lost his priveledge to be a part of this community.


                Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

                I don't know what to believe anymore .. other than this thread is so disspiriting and it just keeps going and going ...
                :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                  Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

                  I reckon it isn't 'one' person but a 'network' of people .... clever eh ?

                  I worked that one out all by myself .... note - myself as in 'one person' .... LMAO
                  I have stopped being wound up by this/these members ... they are joking around ... and will get banned anyway .... bye bye
                  ?We are one another's angels?
                  Sober since 29/04/2007


                    Kate1 and admin who remove my thread

                    I care about the people here.
                    Anyone who would call a post talking about and guiding/encouraging/ talking someone through drinking on antibuse harmless is a fucking dick smack.
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL

