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Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

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    Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

    I dont normally post things like this but I think we need to start thinking about the state of our planet ( all too late actually to start thinking).. Today i got a call from my brother hes comming to stay with me because hes lost everything yesterday in Victoria a southern state of Australia normally known for it cold to temprate climate we had temps of 45 degrees basically ABOVE your boiling kettle!!!!! my brother and his WHOLE TOWN was burnt to the ground!!!! they were lucky to escape with there lives 65 others were found dead (the toll is rising) in there cars trying to escape this horrible fire storm. Just think we need to start saving not only ourselves from the ravages of our personal addictive behaviour but from our collective addiction to everything easy!!!!!!!! look what we have done to poor mother earth!!!!!!!

    Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

    Well said Cap
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

      I totally agree capt and have mentioned it on another thread. We have to start seeing the signs that mother nature is giving us, to protect our planet for our generation and the many many to follow. NOW is the time to act, before its too late.
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

        Yes, Cap. My problems pale in comparison. A few of us here (my place) have friends in one of the burnt out towns, and will be giving support anyway we can. Can't get to them just yet. Need to keep roads free for emergency services.

        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


          Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

          Gosh Captain that is terrible really sorry to hear about ur brother but glad he is ok. Horrific we dont realise how lucky we are.


            Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

            So sorry about your brother Cap. The planet is a scary place to be living right now but what other choice do we have?? I believe other is is an AMAZING self healing LIVING BEING...if we humans will only give her a chance.
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

              hi cap, sorry to here that,next will be getting a tsunami on the great lakes ,canada , who knows,but its always nice to here from you gyco ps i dont no if your a religious man or not,but god did say there would never be another flood,i think he meant man would destroy it al by him self food for thot


                Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

                We should have givin her(earth) a chance long ago my sweet evie youre right!!!! the planet and my life is scaring the shit out of me at the moment!!!!
                Love cap


                  Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

                  Not religous Mr G but bought up a catholic thanks for your thoughts!!!! love Ya buddy


                    Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

                    Oh my dear Sweet Capt.
                    I heard about the horrible fires on the news, and immediately thought of you and yours. I am glad that your brother is ok. You are right in what you say about our planet. Man is a gluttonous creature, and it will be the end of us.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

                      Thanks my sweet sea love you :l


                        Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

                        Just think we need to start saving not only ourselves from the ravages of our personal addictive behaviour but from our collective addiction to everything easy!!!!!!!! look what we have done to poor mother

                        I became an envromentilist back in the 70's when gas was deregulated and the ozone layer first became an issue. People still talk about the great depretion but seem to have forgotten about odd even gas days and 1hour or longer gas lines. When all these energy saving ideas started appering everywhere, I did chukle alitte because I've been practicing them for years.

                        I only hope that ,with all the other pressing issues going on right now, people don't forget about the environment and let things slide as they did in the 80's .

                        I'm so sorry to hear about your. But gratfully he did make it out alive. Your family will be in my prayers.
                        AF since 7/26/2009

                        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                          Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

                          Thanks lil wise words!!!!


                            Australian Fires and Floods England Snows

                            OH! Capt. I just finished reading the news about these horrible fires....good to hear that your family is much loss of human life. As to people learning to protect the earth, conserve energy and take all measures needed to replenish rather than strip the planet....I am right there with you, Capt. I could really go on a rant about this.....but, I will save that for another time.

                            Wishing all a Safe, Sober Sunday,

                            xxx Kate
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              Australian Fires and Floods England Snows


                              So sorry to hear about your brother. My prayers are with him. And yes our poor earth. When does it stop? ray:
                              Starting over again

