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Back and challenges

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    Back and challenges

    I am back. Had major water damage to my house at the beginning of November. I have been in temporary housing; even though my house is not finished, the kids and I have moved back in because I can't take the chaos any more. At the beginning, I used AL as a crutch to make it through the BS----and there was a lot of BS involved.
    Initially, (when I thought it would be a couple of weeks), I told myself it was ok to drink to get through the trauma. I don't want to sound like I condone drinking---I don't----but if I were not an alcoholic I could understand drinking to get through this mess. The situation has been pretty nasty and painful and drinking did get me through some rough spots----like listening to the guy above me have sex on his squeeky bed....gross...If sober and trying to deal with this, I may have been very horrible and rude...instead I passed out.
    With that said, I am an alcoholic. Maybe it was a crutch to help me through this, but I am an alcoholic. Once again, I AM an alcoholic. Because I am an alcoholic and not just someone trying to drink through this mess, I am now in a bad situation. I have been pretty much drinking every night for the past three months. Not always a lot---sometimes just enough to get by---like tonight. Just enough to not withdrawl, and just too much to avoid what I need to do.
    It has been a scary, daunting situation trying to do this all on my own. I guess I look at my situation and wish things were different (not being a single mother with no manly muscle to help with the work Or the love and support for that matter. I see myself now digging a whole so deep I do not know how I will get out of. If I continue down this path, I may never finish the house, and there is no way I will find prince charming unless I settle with all those lovely Red Necks posted on another thread.
    Anywho, I am going to try deperately(sp?) to start tomorrow. I know that I am going to need serious help from this site. I managed to find one of the CDs today through all the rubbage, but I know it is going to take more of a personal committment and support from the members here. I am truly scared to do this. I have tried to go a few days, and it has been both physically and emotionally draining. The withdrawls suck and I really hope I can come here for support and understanding. Thanks for listening; I really need it now. L
    Goal 1: Today
    Goal 2: Tomorrow

    Back and challenges

    I have been thinking about you for months -- just ran across your phone #, and have been meaning to PM you. I am so sorry about the water damage to your home -- was there a storm? I am trying to remember where you live (I think I recall). It must have been a very hard time for you and your kids. But it is good to hear from you, and glad that you are back here when you need it. PM or call me anytime.


      Back and challenges

      So happy to hear from you. Sorry you have been going through a tough time. I missed your posts!


        Back and challenges

        Thanks was a a toilet that overflowed when I wasn't home...completely random..wasn't even glogged. Weird how something that seems so harmless can cause so much damage. How have you been? I miss being here. My sobriety misses it too.
        Sheep, I miss your posts too. I hope to be here much more often now and hope to catch up.
        Goal 1: Today
        Goal 2: Tomorrow


          Back and challenges

          Oh my favorite Luk, I have been thinking of you!!! So sorry things have sucked lately ... I am back as well and trying to get myself back on track. Can't tell you how much I love seeing you on the site ..
          :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


            Back and challenges

            Hi Luk, and sorry about all your problems (as if we don't have enough, eh?).

            I think you are very strong to come on here and tell us what's happening, shout out your problem and ask for help.

            I also think that most of us could have benefitted from doing the same earlier on in our Al careers.

            I hope things are starting to get better for you. There is a lot of support and understanding here just waiting for you. Come back and let us know how you are getting on, and what we can do to help.
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


              Back and challenges

              Welcome Back Luk.
              Sounds like you have had a horrid time.
              Sending you strength to kick AL's butt!!
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Back and challenges

                Hey Lukalee!! Need a pair of BGPs? I always keep 'em around!
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  Back and challenges

                  Does sound like a horrible time being missplaced from your home and possessions. And, I completely understand about finding prince charming in a sea of undesireables. I am smart enough to know that I'm not putting myself in the right places to meet a nice guy and I'm not treating MYSELF with love and respect, so that's the first thing. It's so crazy that I know all theses things and have such a hard time trying to do the right thing. Yes, quitting drinking is extremely draining physically and mentally. Sometimes the stress involved feels like I might just go crazy. Exercise helps as we know, but it's my mind that I need to work on. I wish you the best at getting yourself settled and the strength to deal with everything else.

                  Everything I need is within me!


                    Back and challenges

                    Hi Luka! So good to see you. Sorry to hear of your recent struggles, sounds like this was a huge struggle in every way! I am so glad that you are will get back on had a setbacks and unfortunately those do happen....but, you have a great spirit and determination.....just hang in there and stick around here!!

           is nice to have you are so right about loving ourselves and treating ourselves well as being the top priority! We draw to us, who WE Are...and what we believe ourselves to be! I know this first hand! You will find a lot of support in creating the life you desire here.......I hope that you stick around and continue to share!

                    Best Wishes!
                    A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                    AF 12/6/2007


                      Back and challenges

                      We shall hold hands together and get thru this...I know that we BOTH can!


                        Back and challenges

                        You are in my thoughts and prayers, Luk...:h


                          Back and challenges

                          Thanks guys. I am way bitchy tonight...but I won't drink.
                          Goal 1: Today
                          Goal 2: Tomorrow


                            Back and challenges

                            Aww Luka- Bitchy beats drunk any day


                              Back and challenges

                              hi luk,welcom back,most of us have to learn the hard way,there are many ways to battle this common problem,we have chosen over living a some what normal life,a lot of things on this earth rt now are chaotic,just have to read the news paper,starvation all over,homelessness, fires down under,al is something we can,H A L T. it can be disastrous,but sticking together we can win the war gyco

