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Army Thread 9th February 2009

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    Army Thread 9th February 2009

    Hi Guys,

    I just finished reading last nights thread, and what a positive one it was!!!
    Oney, so you might go to AA? Good move, I am still thinking about it....
    Zenny, your poem has just had me in pieces. It was lovely, thank you for sharing it.
    Thanks for your pms peeps. I am fine, just really really fatigued. No nicotine has knocked me for 6, I am not craving so much as just keep falling asleep. Last night I slept for 9 hours as well as for much of the day. Anyway I read that the fatigue can last a month so I need to start working with it as I cannot spend the next month in bed! I am so proud of myself for doing this, I never thought I could get this far. This was and is a huge test for me.
    So I am shortly going to take the dogs out, (exercise really does help) and try and get on with some stuff today.

    Has anyone heard from Kapo? I am worried about her...Kapo, let us know you are OK hun?

    Catch you later guys, have a great one!
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 9th February 2009

    Congrats, starting on making it so far! I'm sitting here at 12:53am and cannot fall asleep. This almost never happens to me. Had a great AF day but the sleep's not coming. I took valarian root which always works but not tonight.

    Well, just wanted to pop in, complain (LOL) and say hi.

    Cy, you sound so much better. Sometimes I wish I lived in a less rural area so there'd be more choices of types of meetings around here. I guess some folks travel to get to them but I don't know if I'm up for that. I'm not AA oriented, my brother is, but the companionship would be great.

    Well, I guess I'll go back to reading. I feel like a vampire.

    Take care,
    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


      Army Thread 9th February 2009

      Morning all
      Starts you are doing so well. You should be proud of yourself. You must be over the worst - just go with the flow with the fatigue and get lots of sleep as that will pass the time too and you might as well while the weather is bad.
      I have emailed Kap earlier when I read back on yesterdays thread and if I dont hear back from her tonight I will look up her home number and ring her as I have her address. I think she said something about doing 3 shifts this week so it could be just that.
      Started my new job today. So feel like a real grown up (about time too!). I had new employee orientation and a girl who was in charge of the social club said I will come and sign you up. Jeez I was laughing to myself. The last time I joined an employee social club at the very first drinks I threw a beer bottle at the wall and smashed it. Then I locked my drunk arse in the toilets without my security key and had to be rescued. And if that wasnt enough I went out on the town with some of the younger guys and when I fell off the back of a bar stool and they tried to put me in a tax I refused to tell them where I lived. Also the top button on my new shirt fell off so I was exposing my boobs to the world. I never lived that down and I never went to work drinks again after that. So on reflection I think it will be a no on the social club if I want to keep this job!


        Army Thread 9th February 2009

        Hi everyone

        I've been thinking of you. Sorry I haven't been around. I've been working hard to resolve my issue and working to get money in the bank again.
        I am doing this sober (well, today is day 5) and God, does it feel good. I don't feel like drinking. Cooked as a private chef tonite and was offered some wine. Said no and didn't even think about it. I am not going to think about why or what or how but will just keep going and hoping for the best.

        The fecker sent a check to my attorney for the event he screwed me on BUT he sent what he wanted and still hasn't cleared my name of fraud which was part of the deal from my attorney. I put the check in savings and will not touch it until this is resolved. I'm not letting him get his way. I catered his event dammit and I want to be paid.

        Have another personal chef job tonite. Have to go to sleep now so I can be bright eyed and bushy tailed tomorrow.

        Just wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and will check in real soon

        __________________________________________________ _

        Love yourself enough to walk away from what no longer serves you.


          Army Thread 9th February 2009

          HEY THERE ALL!!! Firstly, thank you all who sent me PMs....I am truly touched to know I was missed here! Work has been FLAT OUT - we closed early tonight (7pm) for a staff piss-up, and I am HOME AT LAST!! Have done four 12 hour shifts, and 8 hours today, thank the very good Lord I have tomorrow and Wednesday off. i feel quite run down, my skin is proving that I am a bit run down, a bit spotty! Shall look forward to catching up a bit over the next couple of days. Haven't had a drinking desire, though sometimes tiredness is a very big trigger.
          Cy - Great news about your AA meetings - GOOD ON YOU! I am planning on getting to one on Wednesday, I haven't been for three weeks.
          Great to be here x x x
          *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


            Army Thread 9th February 2009

            He Limeriscious!!! Just PMd you, and your inbox is FULL - you popular wee Limeylou!! Hope you good and thanks for your PM x
            *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


              Army Thread 9th February 2009

              What a lovely surprise to see you all here this morning!
              Be, I have been wondering if you are OK? Glad you are and hope you are sleeping soundly right now.
              BH, I am cracking up over your social club escapades and I think you are right not to join up this time :-)
              You are right about going with this while the weather is bad...I will allow myself lots of sleep :-)
              NZ, great to hear from you and glad that things have moved forward somewhat with your finances AND not drinking, you are doing great!
              Kapo, its good to see you back and in one piece! I know you are tired but at least you can sleep for a couple of days now. I know what you mean about tiredness being a trigger too!
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army Thread 9th February 2009

                Hey there starts! Yes, Hunger Anger Loneliness Tiredness, are four common triggers for us lot! Also, I have to wear long sleeve black top at work, underneath my normal top - to cover my bloody tattoos, it has been SOOOO muggy here, I am sweating rather profusely most nights, and my skin has really copped it! I look like a teenager without clearasil!! Not to worry! I scarpered from work at 7pm, giving NO excuse for my absence at tonight's staff "do" - have had a couple of text messages already, I just am not going to reply!! All shall be forgiven, I will just tell them one of my cats broke a nail or something! :H
                *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                  Army Thread 9th February 2009

                  Good for you Kapo! I was too cowardly to say no to mine..its in march so still time to think of an excuse I guess!
                  I have zits too, and I rarely get them, but I have a corker on my chin just now (thought you should know :-))
                  Lets face it as well as the HALT triggers you add just about every other friggin emotion to that list!
                  Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                  Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                    Army Thread 9th February 2009

                    True, Starts, True!!! Thanks for the solidarity re the zits!! I am quite self-conscious at the moment. Tring very hard NOT TO SQUEEZE - and now that I have two days off I will have TIME TO SQUEEZE :H
                    I was very cowardly too about the work thing - I just left, saying I was heading home to shower and change.....thank God I am NOT the centre of the Universe any more :H and I will be missed briefly, then folks will be lost in their own temporary world!!
                    *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                      Army Thread 9th February 2009

                      Morining all. Great to see you all, especially Kap. Bloody catering trade! One thing I dont miss about work is the hours!
                      Well, I need coffee to function, so will be back in a bit! x
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Army Thread 9th February 2009

                        Just say you fell asleep Kap. ''I was soooo gutted I missed it. I had a shower, lay on the bed and I was out like a light'' Damn!! My parents were up by you last week, but they phoned as they were going back to my bro's. Gutted, as it would of been cool if they could of seen you!
                        To Infinity And Beyond!!


                          Army Thread 9th February 2009

                          kaponium;542332 wrote: True, Starts, True!!! Thanks for the solidarity re the zits!! I am quite self-conscious at the moment. Tring very hard NOT TO SQUEEZE - and now that I have two days off I will have TIME TO SQUEEZE :H
                          I was very cowardly too about the work thing - I just left, saying I was heading home to shower and change.....thank God I am NOT the centre of the Universe any more :H and I will be missed briefly, then folks will be lost in their own temporary world!!
                          I couldnt hold back I am afraid...I squeezed and very satisfying it (they) were too!
                          I like the idea of others being lost in their temporary takes the pressure off doesnt it?

                          Hiya Cyberman...I need more coffee too!
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 9th February 2009

                            I cant send pms for some reason!


                              Army Thread 9th February 2009

                              lImey, you have lost your pencil!!!
                              That happened to me Sat! I pmd RJ and emailed Capala
                              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

