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How do you beat Panic Attacks?

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    How do you beat Panic Attacks?


    My mind is my worst enemy right now; any idea on how to get my focus off of how I am feeling right now. Last night was not good, for obvious reasons, and I'm restructuring a 'plan' for 60 days (I went 32 before this last weekend).

    Yet, until then...I have awful thoughts and what seem to be "real" feelings regarding my heart. I know I should consult a physician if it gets bad, so I'm not looking to replace modern medicine. I also know this is all in my head!

    Anyone have this happen to them? What did you do on day 1 to change your thinking?

    My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"

    How do you beat Panic Attacks?

    I had severe anxiety for about the first month of quitting drinking...I did deep breathing exercises, repeated the word "calm" in my head when things got very bad...tried to stay off coffee or stimulants...
    I guess meditation would help you? Wip started a thread about it, there is loads of information there if you want to try.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      How do you beat Panic Attacks?

      AP, when im coming off a bad binge my head is everywhere! I get terrible paranoia and my head skips from one thought to another by the second. I often convince myself that things that havent happened have. Its horrible I know, but does pass, as you know. I generally have a hot bath, drink lots of squash and eat a little toast and then I just sweat it out. Put the t.v on and maybe a film and ride it out. I also write down how I feel to look at when i recover and when i get tempted again. Its good to keep fresh in your mind when the mind is weak.
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        How do you beat Panic Attacks?

        Panic attacks

        Oh Aid. Use to have these all the time when drinking. Especially in the morning waiting for the liquor store to open. I'd have to get dressed and take a walk I couldn't stand it. Anything to keep busy. After I stopped drinking I'd get them mostly from worrying about the future. I had to train myself to think ODAT and nothing beyond that. That took awhile, but it did the trick. I just kept repeating to myself ODAT, ODAT and finally it sunk in. For me that stopped them. I can't look beyond today because I get too overwelmed with everything else I have to fix after I've conquered this demon. I hope that helps you a little bit. :l
        Starting over again


          How do you beat Panic Attacks?

          Thanks to all! This is a great help for me today...
          My creed; "Be the friend you seek, the spouse yours deserves and the Parent your children need"


            How do you beat Panic Attacks?

            Good advice from Starts. Panic attacks can be treated either by medication (the problem being that most of the meds are addictive) or by types of therapy that help people learn to become aware of, and somewhat calmly detached from, the thoughts and physical sensations that are what a "panic attack" really is. Meditation and practices like meditation really help. Distraction can help, too... when the feelings are building up... notice them, give them a label ("OK, I'm feeling scared right now"), and move your mind to something else. Some unrelated activity. The worst thing is to dwell on them... that makes it worse.


              How do you beat Panic Attacks?

              panic attacks

              Me again. Yes panic attacks will make your heart race. You feel like your going to have a heart attack.. I've actually gone to the ER and was told I was fine, but I wouln't go home. Finally they put me on a saline IV. I think just to shut me up. I know Aid they can be real scary at times. It probably wouln't hurt to have a check up. It would ease your mind. :l
              Starting over again


                How do you beat Panic Attacks?

                I just listened to a stress management teleconference last week. Mentioned were focus on breath, meditation, nutrition, exercise and 5 min. of sunshine in AM.
                Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                  How do you beat Panic Attacks?

                  Can you get your hands on a supplement with Valerian Root? Or even a tea with Valerian Root? It helps calm the nervous system.

                  My doctor once prescribed me Ativan. I was scared to take it.... so I went with Valerian Root.

                  The breathing and meditation excercises are good as well.


                    How do you beat Panic Attacks?

                    GABA, 5-HTP, calms forte, passion flower, skullcap
                    Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


                      How do you beat Panic Attacks?

                      would you be interested in meditation? there is a great thread started by awip where we are going to meditate everyday for 20 minutes (or however long you want) for 90 days. it would carry you through your first days and into months. there are alot of resources there with links to free guided meditaion sessions that are very relaxing and might help with anxiety.
                      supplements (magnesium, valerian etc...) and hydration may help as well.

                      as some have mentioned, simple deep breathing might help you over the humps as well. good luck to you, i know how bad panic attacks feel, but always remember, they are temporary and will pass.



                        How do you beat Panic Attacks?

                        Simply put - see your doctor

                        "Don't mess around with your heart"! Words from my husbands doctor when he was admitted to the hospital in Sept. 2008 for chest pains. Later found to be from Anxiety. (he doesn't even drink AL).

                        Please A_Pappa, there is so much good advise here so LISTEN UP and Follow thru! No-one can take care of Your Heart but YOU!


                          How do you beat Panic Attacks?

                          I have had panic attacks a few times in my life! Damn scary stuff. I ended up going to the hospital one time so they could drug me and I could go to sleep.

                          Funnily enuf, I've never had one while drinking. But I wouldn't wish them on my worst enemy. I wish you well hon.


                            How do you beat Panic Attacks?

                            I agree, it sure doesn't hurt to check with a DOC and make sure it's all OK, but many of us have anxiety issues as a major symptom during withdrawal -- it's apparently all of the physiology trying to get back into balance. Me, I get convinced that I've got any number of serious diseases (I'm not making light of this or joking -- it the time, it feels like a self-imposed prison, NOT fun!) Even after everything checked out OK at the DOC, I still had the anxiety. So what to do? A lot of what people have already posted has helped me too, as well as keeping busy and saying to myself over and over, "It's the withdrawal talking. It's the withdrawal talking. You're getting back in balance. Give it time. It's the withdrawal talking." (Kind of my own hypno tape!) Getting a handle on the anxiety has been THE key for me though. For a long time I didn't realize that those feelings and thoughts were driving me back to the wine -- a negative downward spinal (more anxiety, more wine, more wine, more anxiety when I tried to quit ... etc..) BUT, it it going away slowly, with more AF time. It took some time.


                              How do you beat Panic Attacks?

                              lol panic attacks,ive never really diagreed with wip,even tho you are a psycologist,in march, 1998 i suffered my 1st PA,i thot i waas gonna die,13 symtoms,full blown PA,lasted about 2.5 hours.2nd was the same year june,wife took me to my sister inlaw who is a doctor,she walked me thro it,thot i was gonna die,same 13 symptoms,sept same year,same thing,dealt with it went to see my own doctor,well medicine after medicine,hmmmmmmmmm,dec.same year i died ,i didnt,that was the feeling i had,that episode took me to , a lot of meication,wrong stuff i mite mention,aalso a trip the following year to a sike ward for 12 days and more meds,ok to make along story short,professinals arent always rite,the last 10 years have been a hell,if there is one,wip your a professional,and ou no i respect you,theres only one way,people that drink to much or drug [even perscription drugs,]stop the garbage going into your system,stop numbing yourself,i finally did,havent had a panic attack in 16 months gyco sorry for the long story

