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    The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

    What wonderful gifts have sobriety given you ??? Every day I find more and more blessings coming my way. I am grateful for all I have learned and continue to learn about me. alcoholism has made me a better ME !!!
    I remember how devastated i was last May when I came out to my Spiritual family about my struggles with Alcoholism and I felt people turned their backs on me. Now it is turning out to be the biggest "blessing in disguise" that has ever happened to me. Now they are embracing me.
    I have just been asked to open the chapel for an addiction support group and to speak in the auditorium of my hometown about the spiritual path of addiction recovery. I am seriously thinking of doing just that.

    I have been able to lead others to this website (something I would have never thought of doing before) without the fear of being fact, now i am proud...
    WHAT A GIFT and it just keeps on getting better !!!
    I would love to hear about your clouds with silver linings and i think it would be very helpful for those who are still struggling to hear some GOOD NEWS...That there is a reality of a happy, healthy life after the devastation of alcoholism...If I can do this...anyone can.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

    That is so great, EvieLou. Our experiences make us richer. If we were perfect, what USE would we be to other people?
    I am so glad for you!


      The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

      I think the most important thing that sobriety brings me is inner peace and self dignity. I can leave my house with my head held high rather than hide from the world. I have the respect of my family when I'm sober and clear headed and I am able to give my daughter the love she so greatly deserves.
      I am able to be honest to myself and I am able to look in the mirror in the morning and like the person I see. I am able to start planning my future and look forward to it and not live day to day.
      I am not paranoid about my actions the day before. I remember going to bed. I can sleep 7 hours a night and be up, bright and breezy rather than staying in bed all day.
      I eat well, and have an appitite.
      I look healthier and my digestive system works normally.
      I am happy and I am honest to myself.
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

        Evie, you would be so good in that role, addiction support. You have helped me so very much and it is only recently I have felt a real connection with you. I am thankfull you are here , as are many others and I am thankfull you found mwo and are in my life. Thank you.


          The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

          You all are very much a HUGE GIFT to me and there is another MAJOR blessing that I have received from alcoholism...To be part of this family means the world to me...
          sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


            The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

            I cant even begin to describe all the plusses I have found from getting life has changed so much since I did and I am sure theres more to come...
            But in a nutshell, acceptance of myself and others, friendship, knowledge, trust and a sense of peace that I have never had before...
            And Evie, you would be PERFECT for that role, it is something that is crying out for you to do...look at how much you help all of us? Look at all the wise advice and experience you have? Look how non-judgemental you are? All those qualities you have in bucketloads.
            Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
            Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


              The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

              Awe Evie, what wonderful news! You will help many, I just know it! Sobriety has given me more than I could have imagined and it continues to improve with each day. The greatest gift is that it has given me myself back, but more. I am starting to know a "me" that I never knew before. I am fully present in each and every moment of my life and experiencing every second to the fullest. Keep going, Evie.lou! There are many people who will be better for having known you! Love you buckets!
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

                I can remember the previous night, dont have to be paranoid about who I offended or what an arse I made of myself....and I dont have to rush home afterwork to drink. I can be sociable and stop at friends homes. Basically, I feel free from the prison of alcoholism


                  The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

                  That is always a wonderful thing when you can take a problem, turn it around and be able to help others and give've been blessed. As they say, maybe this is your life's purpose. Everyone has one.

                  Everything I need is within me!


                    The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

                    bestlifeldms;544001 wrote: Awe Evie, what wonderful news! You will help many, I just know it! Sobriety has given me more than I could have imagined and it continues to improve with each day. The greatest gift is that it has given me myself back, but more. I am starting to know a "me" that I never knew before. I am fully present in each and every moment of my life and experiencing every second to the fullest. Keep going, Evie.lou! There are many people who will be better for having known you! Love you buckets!
                    WOW !!! that is so well put Best !!! Now I am fully present in every moment and no longer see the world thru the FOG of alcohol...That is another HUGE GIFT. To feel, see clearly, and EXPERIENCE the ups and downs of life and not be in Al's prison anymore..Free at last !!!
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

                      A couple of mornings ago I had an early morning appointment. It was just getting daylight as I was driving there. Up in the light gray sky was this big full moon. It actually brought tears to my eyes. I don't have a lot of AF time so haven't had too much experience in the bigger picture yet. But the joy I am getting out of just the small simple things makes me almost feel like a child again. This is a silver lining I was not expecting.

                      Evie Lou-You would do a wonderful job with that addiction support group. You have helped me and many other's here at MWO.
                      AF since 7/26/2009

                      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                        The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

                        Evie.Lou, this is so awesome. Your courage and insights can help countless people -- the people you touch will no doubt spread your inspiration to others.

                        As far as gifts ... as someone who needed a few "tries" since last summer to finally get somewhere, I feel like I am only beginning to experience the first gifts, with many more hopefully to come. As a former evening sipper, I am finding that there is a whole world of things to be done, enjoyed, experienced in the evening that AL had taken away from me for some time. My husband and I are getting in shape (slow process at 49, but we're making progress SLOW but sure!). I am reading books, sewing, seeing people, getting out again. Not to mention going to bed and remembering how I got there.

                        Best to you as you share your many gifts with others as you have done here.


                          The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

                          Sobriety has given back the trust of my two children, and with the beloved visits with my grandchildren. My son-in-law said his children looked forward to my visits more than a circus coming to town; they trust me and believe me, and know that I wil show them something amazing each time they are with me. Regretting the time I missed is something for my dreams, not for my waking time, when I'm thinking of plans for my g'sons new worm farm, or my g'daughter's mural I'll paint on two walls of her bedroom (after we lock her mom out). I thank my God I've survived, experienced, learned, this far to be able to play now, and that's what I try to do, as much as possible. This week, Jack, Dubbie (my 3-yr-old g-sons) and I plan to catch a rainbow trout, cook it together, and EAT IT!
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                            The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

                            Another gift is that you are within a community that will accept you with this information. I work in my local public school, and would likely lose my job if I came out with information like this.

                            Blessings to you, dear sister.

                            Astraia, you have your life back, and so do I! Ain't it grand?
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                              The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

                              Lovely thread Evie!
                              Congrats & Hugs and much Gratitude for your presence here among us.

