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    The GIFTS of SOBRIETY are MANY !!!

    lilmea;544886 wrote: A couple of mornings ago I had an early morning appointment. It was just getting daylight as I was driving there. Up in the light gray sky was this big full moon. It actually brought tears to my eyes. I don't have a lot of AF time so haven't had too much experience in the bigger picture yet. But the joy I am getting out of just the small simple things makes me almost feel like a child again. This is a silver lining I was not expecting.

    Evie Lou-You would do a wonderful job with that addiction support group. You have helped me and many other's here at MWO.
    Awhhha...the beauty of NATURE...HOW WONDERFUL !!!! Seeing the DAWN BREAKING..what a mystical experience.
    I had the gift of dawn breaking this morning as i was sitting on my porch swing, sipping coffee...the birds were singing, the sky was orange and red, the earth had the smell of spring. leaves are beginning to bub out and it felt so good just to be alive...
    Then I was brought back to reality when a noisy weed whacker started up at the neighbors house...This was at 7:15 in the morning???
    Even so it was great to be sober and see the beauty of nature all around me.

    Let me think...
    Red sky at night, sailors delight.
    Red sky in morning, sailors take warning...
    i better go watch the weather channel before I plan my day....LOL
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

