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Good Morning

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    Good Morning

    Hi all,
    I just wanted to check in really, i have'nt been on for a while. The best laid plans of back part of last year have'nt really panned out as i'd hoped. I'm still doing better than i was but not as well as i'd like. But i'll get there, its just taking longer than i'd wanted.
    I have'nt posted for a while because the last thing i posted i was pretty drunk and down. I read it the next morning and just got so embaressed. Stupid really as i have never even met any of you.
    I did'nt manage to get asleep last night..2nd night jitters and all that..Just been doing a lot of thinking. Mainly regretting a lot of things, and trying to suss out what things i can change. Its 5.15 am here and the house is dead silent..They'll all be up soon getting ready for school and it'll be like Picadilly station so im making the most of the quiet.
    Hope all are well..Love Macks:l
    I don't care who you are...Your not walking on water while i'm fishing..
    One drink is too many... A thousand is never enough...Sober since July 2nd 2009

    Good Morning

    Macks, its great to see you. I have accepted quite a lot of "stuff" lately and am now about to figure out what I need to do about it long term. Regret is pointless as I have found out. So all we can do is move forward. You have a lot on your plate, but you are an intelligent and caring soul, start to care about you now and what you need, it will help you.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Good Morning

      Hi Mack - it is super to see you! Keep posting, mate.....I have read your post at a great time for me, sometimes I can see myself becoming complacent - then I read a post like yours and it truly helps me back on track - so THANK YOU! I hope your withdrawl symptoms pass real soon, and you are able to get comfortably back on the "sober saddle" - look forward to seeing your progress...
      Bless x
      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


        Good Morning

        Mr Mack. Its good to hear from you. As starts said, today is a fresh day. Lets make it a sober one. As the days go by your confidence will rise and so will your inner belief. Keep with us mate, and keep fight ing the fight. And those grey hairs!!
        To Infinity And Beyond!!


          Good Morning

          I'm back too Mack!!! We can do this together!!!
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            Good Morning

            Hi Mack,

            Somewhere deep down you do care what everyone here that is a good thing. Stay strong and get your rest. I take some melatonin and 5-htp to help sleep.

            Everything I need is within me!


              Good Morning

              Hiya Mack,
              Good to hear from you. Come on, you know the drill, you can DO THIS.... sending you stength and support.
              "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                Good Morning

                Glad you are checking in, Macks. You know that we care about you (and your family). Ditto what everyone else here said... and: You know what to do. Stop drinking. Stop thinking about drinking. And stay "stopped." It's totally up to you. And you can do this.


                  Good Morning

                  Hi Mackers!

                  Sending hugs and positive vibes your way!!!

                  :flower: I'm not as good as I'm gonna get, but I'm better than I used to be.


                    Good Morning

                    Hi Macks! Glad you're back with us!
                    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

