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Betty's Dark Side - unleashed.

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    Betty's Dark Side - unleashed.

    I feel in dire need of a bit of a vent. I've just had the WORST drive of my life. Driving in Singers is ok, but can get frustrating. What should have taken 10 minutes took an hour, in heavy heavy traffic, driving a manual mini, with everyone doing their utmost to get a tyre length ahead and JUST DOING STUPID STUFF. Normally I'm calm and Serene and just blat away from the lights/junction, but this time I lost it. I got out of the car and asked the guy behind why he was 'horning' me (local term for honking/beeping your horn), when I coudn't actually go anywhere because of the nose to tail traffic in front of me. He looked scared. And I'm 5ft 1. Anyhow much horning and cursing later I'm home, shaking and desperately want a GIN. I've poured just the tonic, am doing Yoga breathing and writing this. I hadn't realise how much I used alcohol to calm me down:upset:. Have to work on another strategy. B. x
    Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:


    Betty's Dark Side - unleashed.

    Betty it's good that you're realising and understanding your past triggers. When you say you JUST poured the tonic did you have the option to pour the gin? (i.e. do you have a bottle in the house!). If so I would take the option away and get rid so as not to have temptation in your way in the first place.

    Hope your day/evening continues to get better.

    Love and Happiness
    "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
    Clean and sober 25th January 2009


      Betty's Dark Side - unleashed.

      Thanks Hippie, I do have the Gin, but won't be touching it. I can't have wine in the house, but for some reason Spirits don't bother me. I've calmed down now. Its very out of character for me - I'm the Betty who apologises to ants as she's killing them and is totally non confrontational! Everyone is out soI have peace perfect peace and can indulge in the trashiest tv available. B. x
      Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



        Betty's Dark Side - unleashed.


        Getting sober doesn't mean we will never get upset but it's how we handle it that makes the difference.
        It looks like you handled it very well indeed. Maybe a double gold star today?
        AF since 7/26/2009

        "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

        "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


          Betty's Dark Side - unleashed.

          Betty .. get a MacDouble.. right now. Pull over and eat something. GIN - YUCKOO, thats fricken PAINT THINNER.. get a snack. I'm going out a few with my poodle for a good - god damn snack and a coffee. Poo gets a snack too. NO GIN... you'll be sick for days.. wash the car with gin!!! :H


            Betty's Dark Side - unleashed.

            Ripple - you were right- I hadn't eaten for around 6 hours, not a good move. I had a snack and the shakes stopped. I should know better....

            Lilmea - am off to put my stickers on the calendar!
            Proud to be SLIGHTLY SLOVENLY.:wavin:



              Betty's Dark Side - unleashed.

              Sweaty, thats how i got in trouble over the weekend.. on a diet, not eating enough, that one wine did me in ... then another, next thing you know i am a mess!!! This time i am not on the junkie crap.. a quik something is better than nothing.. GIN is serious venom .. GIN is way too strong.. it kills worms, never mind what it does to humans.. always eat, this is the first time in a long time this has happened to me. I am so upset with myself. take my advice. we must eat .. bring a banana in the car or an apple. even something dried up (like a brownie) in the door compartment to stick in your mouth, i've done that..

              take care.. Ripples.. :l

