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30 Days AF for ME!!!!!

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    30 Days AF for ME!!!!!

    Congratulations you are a real encouragement. I have made it to 3 days AF and look forward to 30 with great enthusiasum. Keep it up. Caroll


      30 Days AF for ME!!!!!

      :goodjob: :yougo: :wave: :applaud: :l
      Starting over again


        30 Days AF for ME!!!!!


        I wam behind you and hopefully catching up:goodjob:


          30 Days AF for ME!!!!!

          Congratulations Skinned!!!!!

          Way to go!!

          formerly known as bak310


            30 Days AF for ME!!!!!

            Way to go!! It is a wonderful feeling & what a wonderful milestone!


              30 Days AF for ME!!!!!

              Congrats Skinned brilliant work!


                30 Days AF for ME!!!!!

                Yay for you!



                  30 Days AF for ME!!!!!

                  Jolly well done!!
                  Go and treat yourself to something nice.
                  "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


                    30 Days AF for ME!!!!!

                    Keep up the good work, and thank you for being here for me.
                    "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                      30 Days AF for ME!!!!!


                      Hi skinned knees; a real milestone. Well done What are you going to do now? Are you carrying on indefinitely or going for another 30?

                      I'm day 25 so I'm really interested. Has your mind set towards AL changed over these 30 days? I still feel its my 'friend' something I'm missing these 30 days but will soon be back to. Does this make sense? BTW I know this is NOT a good attitude! I don't seem to have made the essential step towards accepting the harm it is doing/can do to me. Despite downing 100 units a week for a few years, the dr told me liver was fine. I was functioning OK in the day. After 25 days I don't feel that much better I have to be honest. I'm not all fresh faced and sparkly eyed like some people report. I am sleeping better i admit but I don't have much energy and I've only lost 3 lb. I guess what I'm trying to say is I don't feel motivated by the changes; I don't feel as if I've achieved much. Its like the abstinence is a temporary blip for me. I think I need some brain reprogramming because my intellect tells me what I'm thinking is plain wrong.

                      Any advice on how I move forward with this. Make a new plan for day 31? I feel like I'm being negative on a fantastic uplifting thread. I don't mean to be; I just thought it might be a good place to reply to seek your thoughts on carrying on. :new:
                      AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic

