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Changing Habits

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    Changing Habits

    I read this the other night & it struck a chord with me so I thought I'd share...

    "If you drive down the same dirt road day after day, your car will create ruts in the road that will limit your ability to maneuver. Unless you pay attention & become mindful, your car will default to the ruts, and in doing so, reinforce the prior patterns in the dirt. If you want to get out of the rut, you will need to consciously choose another path and reinforce this new path until it becomes your established way of travelling"

    Sometimes we loose encouragement, wonder if the battle will ever get easier...this script tells me that I can create a new path and once it's established it will be easier to follow.

    Angel xo

    Changing Habits

    Angel, that makes perfect sense!
    Its like we keep doing the same thing yet expect different results. Go for a change, and see where it takes you! Thats what I am trying to do....
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Changing Habits

      Thanks Angel.
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Changing Habits

        Nice one!

        Something to think about:goodjob:


          Changing Habits


          This is EXACTLY where I am. I'm changing my habits, which is changing some dysfunctional family dynamics, right now. Not tomorrow, or this spring, or after school vacation or...but right now. When I change my habits, some family dynamics switch. This is good for us. We're slowly getting out of some ruts and, with time and perserverence, a new and healtier, happier way of living together.

          "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


            Changing Habits

            Yeah I agree, with me it is about habits. I seem to be lucky and am able to moderate but if I let myself get back into the every day drinking routine again I know that it will all get out of hand horribly. But you do have to consciously make that decision to not do it like that any more and it's not easy and well all (well me anyway) do fall back into those ruts on the track from time to time.

            Thanks Angel


              Changing Habits

              yeah, I'm at that stage too...I have to choose my path consciously AT ALL times 'coz if I let my guard down for even one day, you can bet I'd be back in those old grooves.
              Glad you liked, friends.


                Changing Habits

                Thank you, Angel....this is a very profound thought! Simple, yet perfect!
                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007

