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Army Thread 12th February

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    Army Thread 12th February

    Good Morning Troopers!

    How is everyone? I am OK today, day 7 nicotine free so I am pretty damn chuffed with myself. I have put on a few pounds this week which is worrying me a bit. I dont feel as if I have eaten much more, but maybe I all the sleeping I have been doing hasnt been burning those calories either!!! Never mind. I feel for the first time in years and years I am giving my body a chance to work normally and I know this can take some time so I am being patient with myself in the process (or trying to be )

    Zenny, dont forget you are off to the gym today?? You are going to be my inspiration OK??
    Cyborg, i hope you are feeling better this morning.
    Ficks, you too, I read last nights thread and it seems you were having a hard time yesterday. Back on that wagon girlie and fight the good fight OK?
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 12th February

    Morning Oney.
    I'll be buggin ya!
    Thats a great start!
    The long walk with alfers will make you feel SO much better.
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


      Army Thread 12th February

      Morning all. God, I feel rough. I have a serious bout of manflu. My head is pounding and I am producing enough snot to fill a bath! Having a cup of tea and some cinnamon grahams and hopefully ill feel a bit better. Wishy is going to come round soon I hope with some lempsip.
      To Infinity And Beyond!!


        Army Thread 12th February

        OH NO!!!!!!! Its been nice knowing you know manflu can be fatal right?
        In all seriousness, I hope you feel better soon matey x
        Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
        Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


          Army Thread 12th February

          I do feel like a truck has hit me! I keep thinking to myself, at least I feel better than I do after a binge. At least I can eat and think straight, but I do feel like ive been hit on the head with a hammer!
          To Infinity And Beyond!!


            Army Thread 12th February

            So what plans do we have today ladies?
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Army Thread 12th February

              Weeellll,, I have already walked the dogs but I MUST do some housework. Its still really icy and snowy outside so I'm not going out in the car...I havent driven my baby for over a week now! I have a to do list with loads of crapola on it..maybe I will tackle that?
              Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
              Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                Army Thread 12th February

                Oh yeah, I broke a tooth last night so I need to make an appt with the dentist I suppose...
                Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                  Army Thread 12th February

                  How did you manage that!? Were you boxing?
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Army Thread 12th February

                    Har di Har har!!!!
                    I thought I had something stuck in between them, as I happily dug away, I got more than I bargained for!
                    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                      Army Thread 12th February

                      Hi all - Ones, your bath and facial pamper sounds like just the ticket! And after your DOG WALK TOO!! Very good plans for your day so far, I reckon...
                      Cy - Man flu - you are indeed a sympathy-inducing specimen!! Methinks you probably need a facial too!
                      Starts - GREAT post about the painkillers - thank you for the thread, I will look forward to seeing what others have to say, it is a HUGE thing for me, which is OFTEN in the back of my mind when I am feeling particularly irritable....
                      Am not long in the door from work, Thursday is like my Monday, so I have a full four days ahead.
                      Once again, so great to get home and be able to say hi to you all x
                      *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                        Army Thread 12th February

                        I LOVE those peely things - like PVA glue when I was a kid!
                        Once I made a home-made face-pack, rolled oats, honey, egg whites etc etc, and some knock-on-the-door christians knocked on my door and ran away pretty dam quickly, when I opened it looking like some sort of freak with all the rolled oats stuck to my face!!! Handy hint for all you non-assertive types who don't want to be cornered by Christians or vacuum-cleaner salespeople!
                        Am going to bed in 5 always bummed out to be here for such a short time, but it is nearly 11.30pm and I NEED to be very aware that my moodiness always FAR less when I am sleeping better hours!
                        A great day to you all x
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          Army Thread 12th February

                          Hiya Kapo! I have done the egg white and oats thingy too! Never in public though :-)
                          Sleep well hun, thank you and Oney for your support x
                          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
                          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


                            Army Thread 12th February

                            Howdy folks,
                            Thanks Starts.. appreciate your thoughts.. It's Thursday Night here.. somebody please direct me to the post about painkillers? With a damn leg falling off painkillers are always important.
                            Sorry to hear you are under the weather Cy! I got quite a giggle from that stfuff about the tooth, Oney being cheeky n all but I know how that feels Starts.. good luck with the fixin


                              Army Thread 12th February

                              Nite Kaps.. hope to catch you again some time soon in the right time warp!

