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Army Thread 12th February

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    Army Thread 12th February

    'maybe a hot tub ' Gyco! Sounds Great!


      Army Thread 12th February

      Hey Oney.. my eldest is 15 and I am in training believe me


        Army Thread 12th February

        Gotta go.. getting late here..
        Luv All & wishes for a great day


          Army Thread 12th February

          onester one day youll look back and say it was so easy,anyone see doc phil the other day on the lady tht had the nine kids hahaha wow dont you feel lucky hahaha


            Army Thread 12th February

            i think the doc who insemanated her is in for a tuff time


              Army Thread 12th February

              15 is easy one they just lose there brains when there in there 20 s we adults have none hahhaha


                Army Thread 12th February

                Good day to anyone who is still around.
                Thanks for the pm Cy. I was badly behaved on Mon. night and Tues. I just wanted to forget all these financial problems for a while. So not worth it. I accomplished nothing and of course, don't feel well now. Today, am ticking off my list: Calls, mortgage co. electric co, gas co. Call for appt for assistance with some of these bills. Job calls. Go to the bank and put in the last of my money. Finish my taxes and hopefully, I will feel well enough to go to an AA meeting tonight. I would just like to forget my stupidity and move on.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  Army Thread 12th February

                  and then its time for them to be on there own,any jobs over there for teachers my son is looking for a job and m y youngest daughter possibly working as a psycoligy mager wip need an apprentice hahaha


                    Army Thread 12th February

                    sea have you tried AA online its easy


                      Army Thread 12th February

                      I went there once Gikes, but was a little bit confused. I will try again.
                      "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                        Army Thread 12th February

                        there are meetings at certain times and you have to take the people with a grain of salt,it is the total opposite of here,like here it can get out of hand then just leave and there are more then on site


                          Army Thread 12th February

                          i no some peole find the meetings quite over whelming


                            Army Thread 12th February

                            actually im going there rt now


                              Army Thread 12th February

                              I am posting... On track you see. Forgot the importance of just 'checking in'. You mention sleep. Well I am in this constant state of tiredness since sobriety checked in. Bit of a relapse but am getting back on track. Do you know I am sure we are meant to be hibernating in these cold winter months. We forage all summer and sleep all winter a little bit like the dormouse. It is my excuse anyway and a bloody good one I think. Humans are just animals who need to rest in winter. You make me laugh. have a good day one and all.


                                Army Thread 12th February

                                hello MDD, Gyc
                                just catching yous in the time warp in time to say gnite!!

