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Army Thread 12th February

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    Army Thread 12th February

    Oh fickle...well, medical science improves leaps and bounds...hopefully they will find something a litlte less invasive...that is pretty serious.

    mine is four degenerative discs, and a compression fracture in vertebrate...
    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


      Army Thread 12th February

      also lets me sleep..
      yeah I know how you feel worrying about your meds - do you have a decent doc? It is best to consult with them before trying to get off you know.. these drugs are nothing to mess about with


        Army Thread 12th February

        writing that one down too.....
        Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


          Army Thread 12th February



            Army Thread 12th February

            yeah, it sucks ASS, to be honest

            My Doc is great...they prescribed a lower dose of codiene and a slow release morphine to ease down to....But I won't have those until next couple days I will feel nasty I am sure.
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Army Thread 12th February

              Thank you for saying you think I am strong Keeta!
              The trouble with chronic pain is it does wear me down and make me feel feeble at times.. the thing that really sucked was when I stopped drinking the pain increased! So I caved in.
              Now am starting again with more resolve. I so loved my AF days. Just wonderful how it feels.


                Army Thread 12th February

                I have my kids with me this weekend and I am looking forward to some homey times. I will check in a bit to see how you guys are going too!


                  Army Thread 12th February

                  You ARE strong.
                  To even live with chronic pain you have to be strong. It is so tiring...even emotionally!

                  Awww...I DO know how hard it can be not to self medicate for pain with AL....I did it for a long long time. I think it is pretty common. It is hard to be in pain day in and day out.

                  You will beat this fickle...I FEEL it :l
                  Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                    Army Thread 12th February

                    How old are your kids?

                    Sounds like you will have a great weekend!
                    Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                      Army Thread 12th February

                      so yours is something you just have to live with right? i read somewhere an article about a lady in the UK who had some degenerative bone illness - she cured herself with oils - Tackle your tender joints with Cool Oil this winter!
                      I learned a lot from this


                        Army Thread 12th February

                        my kids are 15, 10 and 8 (girl boy girl) and I love them to pieces LOL
                        it is hard for others to understand how exhausting living with pain is, so thank you for your kind words


                          Army Thread 12th February

                          well...I am not sure...I am waiting for an appointment with an orthopeadic (sp?) surgeon. Have been waiting since November. Yeesh, Canadas health system at its finest.

                          2 or my discs with the probs are just below my neck, and two at the bse of my spine...scoliosis in between...the fracture is at L-1......

                          yeeesh....typing it makes it sound horrible :H

                          It is I guess...but man!
                          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                            Army Thread 12th February

                            It is hard for people who don't live with day in and day out pain to understand just how tiring and hard it can be.
                            I DO understand and will support you any ways I can!
                            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                              Army Thread 12th February

                              Wow, three kids...awesome! Is the 15 year old a girl?...I have a step daughter that is 16....what an interesting age... YIKES...LOL
                              Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


                                Army Thread 12th February

                                it's not extreme pain ALL the time, just dull pain all the time, but getting out of a chair REALLY hurts and unfortunately i am a secretary so every time somebody wants something... I have to get up like a thousand times a day and wait for something to click before the pain goes away. So doing that repeatedly all day is kinda wearing

                                But one important thing to note also, if you are considering going on mobic or something similar, drinking is out of the picture. Apparently if you drink AND take the high dose of mobic it can cause stomach bleeding. So i have another reason to stay AF.

