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what my way out means to me
what my way out means to me
I had been abusing myself with drink for some time. I was confused and frightened. I had become my worst fears. Worse still I did not care. Deep down inside I did care. I so wanted escape from it. I felt alone. I had my horse put to sleep and my drinking just went mental. I nearly downed a full litre of whisky and was rolling around on the floor crying out in pain. It was so emotional. Then I came on the internet, when I was lucid and decided I had to get better. I wanted someone to 'put it right' to take this curse away from me and I read and read and found kindred souls. Who like me had made a total hash of their lives with drink, and they were recovering. You see I don't want to mix face to face with people. I needed that secret army. The one I knew about and no one else did. I found it with mwo. Above all this site helped me no end. I found I was getting sober the odd blip but nothing like I was used to. I was beginning to climb out of a dark hole and then something happened and I found myself right back at the bottom of the dark pit. Yet, no one has judged me. You have all helped me. You have understood my pain and offered me support when the world had just shut its' door on me. I was very ill with drink yesterday and your kindness, particularly Gia's touched me. She knows more than most what an abusive little soul I was. It was horrid for me to feel that after all the work on self improvement I had done that the slightest upset would kick me down so hard. Yet I learned some important truths. We are human and we have imperfections but we can cure ourselves with true love and support. That is what mwo means to me. Back on track again and not going to crumble when the first thing goes wrong. Aint life a serious event of mishaps?? But we smile and we get through. We are not weak - we are strong. Thank you to all who take the time to add comments. It really means so much to me, it is like a life line. Alcoholism is a lonely disease.... May love and light be yours.Tags: None
what my way out means to me
Yes, my secret army....so true! We may slip and fall, but we have each other to lean on. Eventually we may learn to stay away from the pit of despair. Do you ever visualize what life would be like if you were just normal??? How happy and sunny and wonderful things could be?? Problems would be no problem at all. Yes, it is a fantasy, but truly when I visualize it...I'm happy, healthy, beautiful, kind, gentle and there is love all around. I know its corny...but what the heck!
Everything I need is within me!
what my way out means to me
Remeber when
Maddy, I have just had an 'epiphany'. I've been trying to pinpoint when the problem started and now I remember . . . it was back in 1988 when I had to sell my dream.
A small horse range was my dream, and we accomplished that dream. Then after only 3 short years, we had to sell the horses, the house and move to the city. But after we sold the horses, the houses and in my opinion my Soul, everything kinda went downward.
I've pulled myself up by my bootstraps many a time over the last few years. But it wasn't until Jan. 28, 2009 when I found MWO and actively started reading and threading that I really got the big picture. And now I can see how fortunate I've been over the years. So many up's and down's but nothing I can't get through with the support of all these grand people here at MWO.
So very Glad Your Here! :l Keep your fond memories in the forfront of you mind.
what my way out means to me
Hey, Maddiva
:goodjob: thank you for your posting. I am so sorry to hear about your sad loss and how it hurts your heart. But you are strong and noble to come here and share that with us. Really, tonight I was confused and sad, and your message knocked some sense in me. Yes, it is a secret army, and what a strong one. I am so glad you are here and that I am here and that we are all togehter (isn't that a song??)
what my way out means to me
as usual the boring thank you!!!
Do you know it has taken me about 9 days to get back to a 'normalish' state, where my sobriety meant more to me than anything else. I read all your comments and I am checking in before the day starts of just cleaning and staying still and quiet and nurturing my soul. I think my horse was sent to save me. I thought if I got a horse, that is it, I would never drink again. Guess what?? I still drank, everyday. I even tended him when drunk!!! The shame. So when he died, part of me became alive. I actually decided to get better. I am still on that path. It helps me to know that we have probably all done things we wish we hadn't when drunk. Yet, to be able to share that and have understanding of others is a great healing for me. People who have never drank alcohol to the excess we have really do not understand. They to me are shallow and it is there but for the grace of god goes anyone. It was never my life plan to become a drunk. It kind of just happened. No one was more shocked than me when I actually looked at me. I am aware of how those who are sober may view me, they do not matter. It is me that matters. Have a good day y'all.