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My thoughts

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    My thoughts

    Love Ya ' Gabby.......Ha! IAD.
    ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
    those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
    Dr. Seuss


      My thoughts

      IAD.....I thought lucky needed to be complimenting me too. She always leaves me out. I am never in controversery. (well maybe once) But I thought it was funny that I was choosin her on it. Like startin a controversy......hee one ever gets my humor but me. But now this thread has gone nuts as usual so no point in crackin a joke.
      Gabby :flower:


        My thoughts

        That's ok Gabby.....I erased one of my comments on this thread about Kate. I really think that she is having a few issues. You know me......I'm game for a good laugh ! Ha! IAD
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          My thoughts

          I can't form a response that satisfies me, so I will just say that this stuff really makes me sad.

          hart, keep working on getting more AF days.

          Kate, I respect you greatly, but you don't live in hart's head, and it's not for you to decide how "serious" hart really is. Your "truth" is just that, "your truth". It is not objective reality any more than anyone elses'.

          Oh, and having been there, I don't think it is easy at all, knowing you shouldn't drink, finding an excuse, drinking, then trying to rationalize it when you know you really shouldn't have done it and feeling bad about yourself, and then having someone tell you you're taking the easy way out. No I don't know if that is how hart feels, but darn, it was how I felt, and it was anything but easy. Even when I was lying to myself, I knew I was lying to myself.

          That's about the best I can come up with for now.
          AF as of August 5th, 2012


            My thoughts

            Gabby gabby gabby- I do remember when you were in the middle of the controversy and I tried to play mediator! I never forget! But, you have to be really ticked off which is a rare thing. Sometimes stirring the pot is ok. Take it from me! NOT! :H


              My thoughts

              Well, I am always one to try to unstir the pot. That is just how I am.

              Words become sharp at times, and that is unfortunate. But the goal is always the same. I'm always sorry when personalities become so drawn into the conversation, because that should not be the conversation. Ideas, yes, but let's not let it get too personal.

              Free exchange of ideas is educational and good for all of us. When they turn into personal attacks and and narrow minded interpretations of responses, they become unproductive.

              I would ask that we avoid this and focus on our problems as alcoholics. I think there are a variety of approaches to recovery from the hard core hard ass to the more long term supportive. It varies from one person to another. I have taught college for many years and find I have to take different approaches to different students based on what I can learn of their characters. I try to look at each one of them as an individual. I don't have one blanket approach I apply to every student.

              Having said that, I don't tolerate any shit from my students. I put them on the hard line and don't accept excuses. But I can also be compassionate. That is a balance I do every day, but I trust my judgement to do that.

              I really don't see any difference here. I don't see why this is an issue. I don't think it has changed so much. I have been here several years. I am not an enabler. I have always spoken honestly, but in a way that I thought could help someone else.

              I've been to hell and back with drinking. I don't enable anyone. But I know it may take a long time and a lot of support. Failures and successes. Maybe it takes many years. And I also know that some will make it and some won't. I feel so sorry for those who won't.

              But I am so proud of those that do. Whether it is MWO or whatever.
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                My thoughts

                Thanks for the post Mags,

                I try to live by the credo, "First Seek to Understand, Then to be Understood."
                AF Since April 20, 2008
                4 Years!!!


                  My thoughts

                  Ya lucky I said only once. It even suprised me. But it has been resolved. Nicely I might even add. Generally I am nice to a fault. I kinda like meaner people then me so I have someone to sick on someone in case I need them.

                  Gabby :flower:


                    My thoughts

                    IAD....i spose its good that you and me are best at wrod ass I guess.
                    Gabby :flower:


                      My thoughts

                      I like what YAH said........
                      She's a professional and has been able to put Al behind....
                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        My thoughts

                        Hart - you are a part of my foundation here at MWO.

                        * * I love Determinator * *


                          My thoughts

                          I totally agree with Mags and YAH... this is one incredibly formidable condition (addiction, whatever you want to call it) that we all face. There's nothing easy about it. We didn't ask for, it and it makes our lives so much more difficult in so many ways. Everyone who comes here (or goes to AA, or WFS, or SMART, or wherever) and takes on this incredibly difficult uphill struggle, and helps others to do so, should be applauded and encouraged. We are not always going to disagree about everything, not even about the best way(s) to go about "recovery," but we should make every effort to give each other strength. Hart, you're a good 'un! Thanks for being here.


                            My thoughts

                            now see.....everyone is happy : )
                            Gabby :flower:


                              My thoughts

                              Hart, I love you. You have always supported everyone. Sorry about Kate's post, you didn't deserve that.

                              Hope to see you soon,

                              Enlightened by MWO


                                My thoughts

                                Hart just back from the Bahamas, (you should have been in my suitcase) as far as I know we are not in REHAB.

                                I for one do not need REHAB I just needed some help, someone who could be here for me, someone who understood what it was like to overdue it and feel bad. I had issues and was drinking to much instead of dealing with them in combination of having a job that has an unlimited supply of beer.


                                NO one has the right to say whats right for everyone.

