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    Hi Everyone, Brand new here! Let me give you a little background, and I have a thousand questions!!!!! I have been drinking everynight for at least 4 years and gained at least 40 lbs!:upset: I started taking Campral 1 week ago (2 tabs 3x per day), This past Monday I started taking Topamex (2 tabs 2x per day). Wednesday I read the entire book "My Way Out". I'm confused because in the book it says that she can have wine if she feels like it (take it or leave it). Isn't that risky? I have not had a drink (wine is my favorite) since Monday, but I think about it all the time. Does that ever go away????? I haven't been out in a social situation yet, so I'm not sure how that's going to be. Any advice is GREATLY appreciated!


    oh boy...there is ALOT of debate on this site about moderation or have to chose which you prefer and stick with the folks who support your way out...

    welcome and look around, see where you feel like you want to be and join in!




      Hello Nykat! This place is great. There are so many people here who will advise and help you on your way. Keep posting and reading. Bella XXX



        :welcome: nykat. We sort of have to find our own way out on here. Me, I can't drink just one so it's either all or nothing and Campral does work for me.



          Welcome Nykat!

          I think most of us WISH they could 'take it or leave it' and I for one would LOVE to be like RJ, but I doubt I ever will be. It took me a few runs at it but I'm doing 30 days AF (Alcohol Free) now and will then decide what to do. Read: I'll probably throw caution (and logic) to the wind, drink, and fall flat on my face. Or be smart and not drink. We'll see.

          You obviously have a great start - for now, just take it one day at a time, read what others have experienced and post when and where you feel comfortable. You might want to check out the Newbie's Nest and the ODAT thread

          Again, welcome and good luck.
          Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

          Winning since October 24th, 2013



            Thanks for the support! Is anybody taking both Campral and topamax? I thought it was one or the other, but was prescribed both. I also ordered Kudzu (hasn't arrived yet).



              Hi out there I just registered. I've never talked on line before. I'm a Newbie too, nykat! I'm a binge drinker with liver problems. I can go days and weeks without it but I think about it all the time. It's like I'm testing my liver, my marriage, my life and I don't know why. Any one out there like that?




                you've found the right place and you're off to a great start.

                I'm not sure about Campral and Topamax. I used Campral and you're really not supposed to drink while using it - it works to decrease your physical cravings and my understanding is if you drink while you're using it, it's effectiveness goes down. Not 100% sure, but that's my understanding.

                The AF versus Mod debate is huge and ultimately, the decision is yours. I think most folks would agree you need to get a good string of AF under your belt and really feel the benefits of having your body cleansed and your mind functioning like it's supposed to before you try moderating. Some folks say 60, some say 90 days.

                Keep reading and keep posting. This is a great place to ask all those questions.
                Member since January 2008
                AF since August 25, 2008

