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I'm so mad I could just spit!

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    I'm so mad I could just spit!

    I am assuming that we are all here because in a rare lucid moment we realized that our drinking was out of control or heading there.

    We are at many different stages of recovery and believe me, after 25 years of alcohol abuse I am well qualified to speak on the subject and I am also qualified to speak about the success of my recovery, even if I have only obtained 250 days so far. I am in for the long haul.

    The only reason I am still posting in this nut house forum is that I know there are minions of lurkers who are still suffering; who have lost all hope and need to hear that recovery is possible. I actually have a life other than MWO; a busy, crazy life like so many of you. I have made friends on this forum who will hopefully share my life?s journey for a long time to come.

    After 3 years on MWO I can say with absolute certainty that nobody has ever been put down, admonished or given a hard time because they started to drink again or fell of the wagon. The support here is legend and if you apply yourself and actually use all the tools you might surprise yourself and succeed in the end. No yardstick is applied to measure your success or the time it takes. If you can moderate successfully, then more power to you ? I could not!

    Time and time again a number of dedicated, intelligent and hard working members on this forum are being singled out and subjected to verbal abuse and insults. For this very reason we have lost so many wonderful souls over the last 3 years, it really breaks my heart. Instead of showing gratitude for some members tireless research that is so generously shared on the forum, I hear juvenile school yard whining and bickering. Where are we? In a sandbox? For Gods sake, grow up. If you cannot bear to see someone else?s success then just shut up for the sake of hopeful newcomers. We don?t flaunt our sobriety we share the fact that it is a very real possibility. If you don?t wish to better your life then there are excellent forums that elaborately discuss the virtue of one vintage over another.
    Let me remind you that RJ created this place in order to help alcoholics to regain a normal life. If you get to socialize while coming here then that is a bonus.
    If you feel that this is not the forum for you then just leave and don?t make a production out of it, but let me wish you luck in finding another site that offers so much love and caring.
    As for the newcomer with one single solitary post ? where did you get your Information? Try to earn your badge by reading, posting and participating before you sling mud our way.

    It takes a very long time for me to loose my cool and right now I am madder than hell, but I don?t want to loose more members whom I value for their intelligent, compassionate contribution. Shape up or shut up!
    *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein

    I'm so mad I could just spit!

    Yes Maam!


      I'm so mad I could just spit!

      sounds GOOD to me!!! go ahead a spit.


        I'm so mad I could just spit!

        Well said, Lori...


          I'm so mad I could just spit!

          Very well put.
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            I'm so mad I could just spit!

            I'm with Rippie. Go spit!

            Well said. Kinda feel like spitting myself.

            Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

            Winning since October 24th, 2013


              I'm so mad I could just spit!

              Excellent! Lorie....I could not agree more!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                I'm so mad I could just spit!

                I have thankfully stayed out of the recent - whatever- that's been going on around here. But Lori, I applaud you for your post. I still have a long way to go in my own recovery and there are a number of people "ahead of me on the path" so to speak, who either don't post at all any more, or really limit their time here due to some of the childish behavior. I value learning from anyone who has achieved sobriety especially for a longer term.

                The spiteful attitude of some posters towards those who are sober is sad to see. I would suggest stopping on the keyboard for a moment, and seeing what can be learned from anyone and everyone who has longer sobriety than you do. At least if you are here to get sober that would seem to make sense.

                OK - back to the AF cave now!

                Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                One day at a time.


                  I'm so mad I could just spit!

                  Lori....I agree with you, everyone should have freedom of speech......When I get upset is when someone tries to subpress that freedom.....IAD
                  ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                  those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                  Dr. Seuss


                    I'm so mad I could just spit!


                    I don't know what brought this on but nice post and congratulations on your 250 days. I love this forum.

                    "Action is...the enemy of thought." :l Joseph Conrad


                      I'm so mad I could just spit!

                      IAD...I COMPLETELY AGREE WITH YOU !!!! Freedom of SPEECH ... FREEDOM of RELIGION is what America was founded on.I am ALL AMERICAN. When people try to HUSSSHHH that voice OF FREEDOM....WELL... it is the only thing that breaks my inner feeling of INNER PEACE.All I can say to them is... MAY GOD FORGIVE YOU !!! In my are a true AMERICAN....and your words were well SAID.
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        I'm so mad I could just spit!

                        my goodness - what is going on?


                          I'm so mad I could just spit!

                          Excellent post Lori! (although I had to break out my magnifying glass to read it)
                          If you do not live the life you believe, you will believe the life you live.


                            I'm so mad I could just spit!


                            I have to know, did you spit?

