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The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

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    The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

    I re-read a bunch of recent posts and realized I am fair-weather poster. I don't come here very often anymore, but the times I do come are when I'm approaching a milestone and know that this the place I can share it and people will be happy. I don't go around telling my clients and neighbors I'm 4 months or 5 months AF. They don't get it.

    I am thankful for those who are doing well and continue to come here regularly to support others. I should do more - I got so much out of this site and I should return the favor. I'll try to do better.

    Someone posted in one of the threads recently that those who are several months AF don't share the struggles - it's all rosy. I thought I'd share my thoughts. I am almost 6 months AF - Feb 25 will be. I did 90 days last year and then tried to mod. Fell off hard and struggled. I had a night in August when I thought I was going to die and I have been AF since.

    Struggles? At first they were physical of course. Those went away eventually and because I was so scared after what happened in August, I didn't let them bother me as much.

    What do I struggle with now? I miss the "idea" of alcohol still. The physical cravings are gone, but when out with friends and they're talking about how nice the wine is or what a cool new beer, I miss that. I want to be part of that. There are events - wine tastings and beer tastings - that just aren't open to me now. Why pay $65 to drink water? I love to cook and think about what wine would go well . . . but I can't have it. About a month ago I made mushrooms and my husband had a red wine open - I put some in the mushrooms and then got scared it would cause some kind of crazy reaction in my so I cooked those babies to death! Didn't taste it at all - no wonder!

    Tasting alcohol on my husband's breath when he drinks still isn't very comfortable and it invokes feelings of guilt still - how many times did he taste my nasty mouth when I thought I had hidden the fact that I'd been drinking? He doesn't drink very often so it's not a huge deal, but the icky taste plus the guilty feelings still aren't pleasant.

    In the back of my mind, I'll ask myself if I ever think I'll be able to drink again. Not as often now, but I wonder about it - 10 years from now will I try?

    My sister will be getting married later this year. She already said she'll have sparkling grape juice for me to make my toast. Me and the kiddos - I'm ok with that, but it's another feeling of shame - why can't I be normal? I accept it and joke about it, but the guilty feelings of years of abusing my body, abusing those I love with my verbal rants, dont' go away very easily.

    I struggle with what to tell my daughter about my alcohol abuse and when. I want to warn her - I want her to know about the family history and I want to teach her to be very careful. What is the right age to be open about my abuse and how much? I have a few years before the teen years are here, but it's something to think about.

    So, that's all I have for right now. The struggles I face now are very different from the day to day battle of "will I drink today." or "I'll just have one" or "I made it two days so I can have a drink (or 10) today." They're not as life or death, but there are struggles and fears of relapsing and still re-living and trying to heal from guilt. I'll try to remember to post more as these things come up and I'll try to think back to my days of the more intense daily battle and be here more to offer a hand to others the way many did for me.

    Hugs to everyone here - wherever you are in the struggle.
    Member since January 2008
    AF since August 25, 2008

    The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

    Tired: I remember you well. I am so proud of your progress. You are amazing!!:l
    :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


      The Struggles - almost 6 months AF


      Congratulations on 6 months :wd: I don't know you from a hill of beans and I'm still happy for you! LOL!!
      AF since 7/26/2009

      "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

      "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


        The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

        That was a post that will stick with me for a long time. I, too, wonder about when to tell my daughter about our "dirty family secret". She is so much more like my nondrinking husband in every way but I still worry.

        Huge congratulations on six months. Hope you will think about posting more to inspire others.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

          Tiredofhiding, what a wonderfully thoughtful person you are.

          indeed things get better with more AF time (much better for myself) but I hope that I never become complacent or arrogant about what al can do to me in a moment of distraction or weakness....because it's always waiting for that opportunity.

          whatever your choice of words I'm sure you will make your daughter proud with your resolve and wisdom.
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

            Hi Tireofhiding: I could totally relate to your post and I'm new to this site. Most of the cravings have passed, but I still get those feelings of wanting to be like others and enjoy wine tastings, cooking, entertaining. I've come to the realization the reason I drank was because I wanted to change how I felt at the given moment. Absolutely no other reason. If I can ever get to the place where I drink because it's "social" then I think I can mod, but for now the only reason I want a drink is to change my mood. So I just take a deep breath and try to let it pass


              The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

              Congratulations on your huge success getting the first 6 month under your belt -so to speak. You are doing awesome.

              I can totally identify with your wonderful post. I went through the same mourning period and was bemoaning the fact that I cannot be like other people, but I had to quit that because it was counterproductive and I was petrified that I might give in for the sake of one good meal. I too love to cook and I merrily dump the wine into my cock-au-vent, without the guilt, as I now know that the alcohol will all cook off.

              I found that at a dinner party the guests are all too busy with their own bellies and tastebuds to even notice what I drink and at this point I don't care, because I simply don't drink alcohol. I am getting pretty good though at fashioning a concoction out of tea and cranberry juice that looks remarkably like red wine, but I only do that if the people are "have to invite" guests, I don't bother with my friends.

              When we get as far as we have gotten to, we realize that the benefits grossly outway the perceived shortcomings. Most of the time I am at peace with the fact that I am a Non-Drinker and it's not the end of the world anymore.

              I wish you all the success on your journey and let us know how you are doing.

              Again, a big affectionate pat on your back,
              hugs, Lori
              *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

                Thanks for sharing, Tired.

                All the best in your journey!!


                  The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

                  Thnx T.H.

                  Place a big fat THANK YOU here,

                  My lord you learn something everyday. I had no clue how long term this whole situation could affect a person and their family. WOW . . .
                  Thank you for coming back to the fold to share, there are a number of us out here who are learning so much from all of you Great People!

                  Huge Congratulations on your 6 months. Most Awesome


                    The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

                    YOU ARE MY HERO
                    I can truly relate that you cant tell friends and neighbors of your 6 month milestone. But share your joy with us- I hope to follow in your footsteps
                    Sobriety since October 2008 ( with a few bumps in the road ) - but I am still here, strong and fighting every day for my sobriety!
                    And every day is a challenge - But I am WINNING so far!

                    • Yesterday is History
                      Today is a Mystery
                      Tomorrow is a GIFT


                      The Struggles - almost 6 months AF

                      Thank you all for your congrats. And I am glad I came back to post. I guess it still is theraputic to come and share even this part of the growth with others.

                      Baja Chic - drinking was very much about changing how I felt at any moment. About hiding from my feelings. I dont' do that now. I face them head on, even if they hurt. I've gone through some situations in the last six months where I knew - if I were still drinking this would be the night I'd start early and keep going. Now I get through it on my own. It's a great feeling.

                      Lori - I know exactly what you mean about others and their own bellies. No one really cares and it's actually quite amusing to be the only sober person at the table (it can be annoying to watch some behavior, but mostly it's amusing). And the benefits of remembering everything i've said and being comfortable with everything I did, far outweighs thinking I'd like to taste that merlot.

                      I love the phrase "non-drinker" There are so many reasons people dont' drink - illness, medications, diets, or recovery - that I find if I say "I can't drink" no one asks why. Normally I just make a joke "i'm sticking to the strong stuff tonight - Perrier." or something and it's fine.

                      Glad to be here with you all on this part of the journey too.
                      Member since January 2008
                      AF since August 25, 2008

