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Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

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    Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

    The science of brain change, and investigations into the ways that working with our minds (and our behavior) can change our brain's structure and function is becoming very "hot" in the news, and in academic, psychological, therapeutic, and self-help communities.

    This morning I ran across a wonderful interview of one of the most prominent scientists in this field of endeavor: Dr. Richard Davidson. I took part in a week-long meditation retreat and conference with Rich, just about a year ago; he is an amazing guy, and he and his research team are engaged in leading-edge, high quality projects, published in the top scientific journals.

    Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

    Thanks for this WIP- I haven't listened to it yet, because I am at the shop and will get interrupted- I will listen tonight.

    I think changing our minds is very important in EVERYTHING- if we think we are poor, we feel poor, whereas if we concentrate on what we have rather than what we don't have we feel completely different even if our outward circumstances are the same.

    I have been trying very hard at this lately re: finances, and I feel much much better about things, I mean even if my bank balance does not go up, does it matter as long as I feel rich?!!

    I look forward to listening later!


      Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

      thanks WIP, i will listen to this too.
      :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


        Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

        thanks wip
        Gabby :flower:


          Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

          Thanks WIP - I'll listen to this tomorrow. Very timely for me - so many issues I used to drown with wine are showing up front and center lately, most of them revolving around crap that was planted into my mind when I was a child, convincing me that I'm not worthy or lovable or interesting, that I'm lazy and dull, etc. It's so frustrating to know that these things are not true but still having these patterns in my brain keep me a slave to my family's cruelty.
          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


            Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

            Thanks WIP, will listen tomorrow.
            Enlightened by MWO


              Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

              MyOwnWoman;549515 wrote: Thanks WIP - I'll listen to this tomorrow. Very timely for me - so many issues I used to drown with wine are showing up front and center lately, most of them revolving around crap that was planted into my mind when I was a child, convincing me that I'm not worthy or lovable or interesting, that I'm lazy and dull, etc. It's so frustrating to know that these things are not true but still having these patterns in my brain keep me a slave to my family's cruelty.
              This is so sad, and something that I think affects most of the population on one level or other.

              My own parents certainly instilled a sense of 'not being good enough' in me, but I have to keep reminding myself that their parents probably did it (although I do think it was not so severe on my mother's side) into them. Between them they did a great job in making me feel like a sub-standard child, and later of course a very sub-standard adult.

              It is only now I am beginning to truly believe (and not just tell myself!) that I am worthy, that I do deserve to be on this planet the same as everybody else, and I was created as a perfect being. Holding this thought in my mind and actually believing it is helping me tremendously.


                Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

                Trying to Listen but

                Hi WIP,
                I clicked on 'CLICK HERE' in your thread but it takes me into a Radio Station page and I clicked on a number of items on the page and could NOT find Rich's dialog to listen to. (Mind you my candle is a little dim sometimes). So can you let me know where to go once in 901 Radio?

                Thanx and have a Great Day!


                  Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

                  polaryzed;549823 wrote: Hi WIP,
                  I clicked on 'CLICK HERE' in your thread but it takes me into a Radio Station page and I clicked on a number of items on the page and could NOT find Rich's dialog to listen to. !
                  Hmm, Polar, I just clicked on it, I see what you mean, it isn't all that obvious, is it?. Here's what you do: when you click on the link, look all the way up to the upper left corner of that radio station page, and you will see the name of the talk, and one of those rectangular boxes for the audio file, with a sort of triangle thing on the left edge. Click that triangle to start the audio file playing... Let me know if that doesn't work, OK?


                    Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

                    Thanks! Good stuff! This was just what I needed this morning.
                    "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                      Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

                      Ta ta

                      Thanx WIP, I'm gonna try right after I make lunch.

                      Have a Great Day Everyone!

                      Oh and say hi to Cinnominkiss, (hope i got that right) She's new here.


                        Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!


                        I've changed my avatar 4 times in the last couple days. Then I decided Heck why should I change him, I like him . . . so I put him back


                          Changing Our Minds (and Our Brains)!

                          That was a very interesting discussion. It's great to know that it is possible to retrain the brain. Thank you.

                          Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

                          If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.

