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Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

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    Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

    Aww, I still love you granny Oney.
    To Infinity And Beyond!!


      Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

      haha, most people on here are old enough to be my parents I'm fast realising xD great being a youngster

      Lmao Cym - I'm gonna have to start calling Oney 'granny' now :P
      The way I change the past is by not repeating it
      -James Hetfield, Metallica


        Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

        You can say what you like. Its an open mike here! Yes without the want nothing will work. But most people coming to MWO do seem to want it. They desperately desperately want it. But they need a crutch or a kick start or something to get the ball rolling. I know I did. I wanted it for years really wanted it but I didnt have the means or the knowledge to get it. MWO is good for that. It gives you the means - meds, supplements, hypno, and so much info from those that have done the trial and error for us and most of all SUPPORT from people who understand exactly. But you know that!


          Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

          No me neither. Eating was cheating. Not so much as a lettuce leaf would pass my lips once the AL got in there - not even a peanut. I never confused drinking and eating. If I ate I wouldnt drink. If I drank I wouldnt eat. If I had an AL drink right now on an empty stomach I would be off like a fucking rocket and god knows where I would end up! The good thing is I know that now so it will never happen again. Knowledge is power.


            Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

            That's really good Zen, to be able to limit your intake like that, and to have an AF day. I'm sure everybody else will agree that that's really well done keep up the good work, and as you know, we're all here for you if the going gets tough
            The way I change the past is by not repeating it
            -James Hetfield, Metallica


              Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

              ThatGirl;551097 wrote: haha, most people on here are old enough to be my parents I'm fast realising xD great being a youngster

              Lmao Cym - I'm gonna have to start calling Oney 'granny' now :P
              TG, I'll be Grandmother.....Oney and Cy are my kids, so you can be my Granddaughter. Does that work for you, honey? krigs
              "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu


                Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

                kriger;551111 wrote: TG, I'll be Grandmother.....Oney and Cy are my kids, so you can be my Granddaughter. Does that work for you, honey? krigs
                ahh wow, thats really nice lol, plus funny, thanks Krigs.

                I am way overused to internet families. This is the first one in which I haven't been a man xD
                The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                -James Hetfield, Metallica


                  Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

                  Oney is my sister!!!! lol
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

                    haha, alright eveyrbody, I have to be getting off to bed now, have to be up in 7 n a bit hours see you all... later I suppose xD
                    The way I change the past is by not repeating it
                    -James Hetfield, Metallica


                      Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

                      Scrubbing the floor with hot water? I used this stuff called 1001 No Vac on my ming mong cider smell and it worked a treat.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

                        Only you know what is right or okay for you. I personally had to get rid of AL out of my house and train myself not to buy any. That helped me immensely in the early days. if you dont have it you cant drink it but everyone has to figure out their own way. There is loads of AL in my house now (there never was previously as I would have drank it all in one go) but it doesnt bother me at all. Its like having cornflakes in the press. I hate cornflakes so I would never think of eating them same with the AL now. Have you had a look at the thread on the sinclair method?


                          Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

                          Laters TG.
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

                            People at work used to say to me how come you are not fat when you eat so much. I used to say to them that is because I only eat three days a week! They thought I was joking! I am fat pig now as I replaced drinking/smoking with eating carrot cake.


                              Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

                              Oh, its nice and fresh now zenny. Thank God. Dont think i could of put up with it much longer!
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                                Army Thread, tuesday 17 November

                                Zenstyle;551110 wrote: Anyway, I think, for me, my sticking point is WHAT am I going to replace the drinking time with???
                                At first, when I stopped drinking, I thought I needed an answer for that question but as time went by my life just evolved and I found that I was just doing a few more things than I did before. Before, when I was drinking I would be unable to do anything that needed my brain (after a certain time of the day). I now spend much more time reading, doing things on the computer and even shopping or lunching with friends. When time frees up and the brain is still usable, it is amazing how we humans adapt to the new person we become (without alcohol). Don't worry too much about the problem and you will find plenty of things to occupy your time and your mind. Worrying about it might set you up to fail...just maybe. Krigs
                                "People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu

