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Army Thread 18th February

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    Army Thread 18th February

    Good Morning Peeps,

    Up and out early for me today, for a change. I have my personal shopper appt at 9.30 plus it will be good to go for a mooch around the city. I havent done that for ages or so it seems.

    Zenny, all thoughts are with your mum today...prayers that her operation goes smoothly for her.
    Oney, I hope you have managed to get rid of the smell of puke and you got some sleep last night!

    Catch you later folks x
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 18th February

    Morning starty pants, hope you have a good day shopping, treat yourself hun x

    Another day in work but not complaining as the extra cash is much needed. I've got a very busy day today and have made myself a list of things needed to be done. Never normally this organized!!

    Zenny, my thoughts are with you today x


      Army Thread 18th February

      good luck with the shopping!


        Army Thread 18th February

        well Oney, she wouldnt be allowed bring the child to playschool or school like that, so yes, I think shes a chhek bringing a sick child to your door and telling you shes not fit for scholl. Will you get xtra money for having her xtra hours? She needs you more than you need her!


          Army Thread 18th February

          time to lay down some strict boundries or this will happen again and again.
          I know it is hard. I am not one to speak up for myself. I am the equivalent of a human door mat.

          Good luck!:l :l:h:l :l

          PS I think she is WAY out of line.
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            Army Thread 18th February

            Part of the reason you are 'stuck' is cos you mind those xtra kids, if I was you I would look for your just one chiild to look after. I understand you need the money but you would prob get nearly as much lloking after one and itd be alot easier. Ive done what you done , I took in 2 kids for yrs and it was too damn hard, I didnt drive then either. I swear I havent known myself till I told the dad to take a hike and got the little girl I mind now, same money, less stress. And the summers were always a nightmare! Hated them, youve another one coming up soon, do you really want to look after them again this summer???
            Minimise, by one and feck this piss taking, bad mother, pain in the arse!


              Army Thread 18th February

              Can I join in. Good morning all. What is a personal shopper? It sounds very posh to me...


                Army Thread 18th February

                People just take the piss and take advantage of kindness. Poor kid, she should have taken the day off work and stayed at home with her.


                  Army Thread 18th February

                  Oney that is pure wank and the mother is totally out or order by not staying home herself to look after her sick child. You should have a chat with her when she comes to pick her up. Tell her that you don't need this not with Mia and ava still sick. Makes sure she knows how angry you are.


                    Army Thread 18th February

                    Oney, I would have done just the same, had all the reasons prepared in my head to tell the mother then when it came to it I would end up taking the girl in.

                    Makes me feel sorry for the little girl, and although the mum is wank to dump her on you, it also makes you wonder what sort of boss this woman has that she can't take a day off to stay with a sick child.


                      Army Thread 18th February

                      Good morning all. Def have a polite quiet word with the mum later oney. You gotta think of your own first. If that doesnt work a quick one two with the jabbers should suffice. Did alfie sleep o.k last night?
                      Maddy...great to see you. Starts personal shopper is free, and I have decided that it is my dream job. If anyone wants a personal shopper pm me!
                      Well, ive got a busy day today. Painting the wendy house today and going to a meeting in bristol tnt with my sponser.
                      Have a great day everyone.
                      To Infinity And Beyond!!


                        Army Thread 18th February

                        is is morning Well ahoy there! And just to say it is dam good to be here! Spraine my ankle at work this morning, so not feeling quite like the sharpest tack in the kit :H
                        *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*


                          Army Thread 18th February

                          You ok zenny? Im here if you need to chat.
                          Sorry to hear about the ankle Kap. I can feel a claim coming on! Wet floor, boxes in the wrong place?!! Great to hear from you though! I had a great chat with my sponser yest and we are going to a meeting in england tonight.
                          To Infinity And Beyond!!


                            Army Thread 18th February

                            Hiya Kapo, how are you?


                              Army Thread 18th February

                              Cy! Fab to see you here and looking forward to a meeting! went to a wee beauty the other night, topic was surrrender - hope you are doing well my friend
                              *Serenity is the calm WITHIN the storm*

