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CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

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    CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

    I just received an hysterical phone call from a friend of a friend who's dog died Monday. Her and her husband had gone to Target and bought some Coco hull mulch for their shrubs . They put it down on Sunday and loved how great it smelled and looked. Their dog must have thought it smelled good enough to eat. They took her for a walk and she just dropped over dead. The Vet just finished an autopsy and found the stomach full of Coco hulls...They checked to see if there were any warnings on the bag and there are NONE. Hershey is the manufacture of this product...My heart just breaks for these people nd I feel helpless and trying to think how I can do something to let people know. I am sending out a group Email to everyone that i know...maybe you all could do the same....
    Dog owners please be aware.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

    CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

    Thank you so much Evie. I would be traumatized if my dogs were to die from something like that. My heart goes out to them. :l


      CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

      omg, will there be an autopsy and a law suit? poor thing. :upset:


        CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

        Oh NO! I'm soooo sorry!

        They didn't know?! :upset:
        Obviously they didn't know. Yes, I'm aware of that. If you have dogs/cats/rabbits.. any pet/animal that can get to it really... cocoa mulch is a NO-NO!

        Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

        Winning since October 24th, 2013


          CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

          Evie, how sad.

          I am saying a prayer for them.


            CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

            The Vet said that this is not the first dead dog she has had from the mulch She told them that she had read a study showing more than 95% of pets show no interest in the Coco but what about the 55 that do ?? Why isn't there a big warning on the bag and at the point of sale...I know why. people wouldn't buy it...THAT'S why...I am so upset and wish I could think of something to do. I am gonna offer to go to Target with them (or for them if they are too upset to go) and insist that a sign is put up...I can;t think of how else to help ???
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

              Evie.Lou;551837 wrote: The Vet said that this is not the first dead dog she has had from the mulch She told them that she had read a study showing more than 95% of pets show no interest in the Coco but what about the 55 that do ?? Why isn't there a big warning on the bag and at the point of sale...I know why. people wouldn't buy it...THAT'S why...I am so upset and wish I could think of something to do. I am gonna offer to go to Target with them (or for them if they are too upset to go) and insist that a sign is put up...I can;t think of how else to help ???
              Absolutely Evie, it is disgusting there isn't a warning.


                CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

                I think Hershey is the one responsible especially since the Vet said she had already seen a study about it...I think they should SUE HERSHEY !!! Maybe there are already others in the process and it could be a GROUP SUITE...I am gonna check the web to see. There is GREAT power in numbers and maybe Hershey would do something before more dogs die NEEDLESSLY ...These people can't have kids and "SALLY" their black lab was their baby...I am just sick over this !!!
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

                  Sorry to hear about that evie. Sorry, but what is CoCo shell mulch?
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

                    Thanks helps to know that others care. i will check it out. They are very close to a good friend of mine and I have met them several times but don't want to intrude...I have to do something or I will EXPLODE !!!
                    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                      CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

                      Coco mulch is the hulls of the Coco beans that are discarded as the company process the inner Coco beans. It is just like cedar chips to mulch shrubs...etc.
                      How would think it could be deadly ???
                      sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                        CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

                        Wally, I went to the site ....I have a SUGGESTION FOR THEM.....ALRIGHT !!!
                        sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                          CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

                          Explains why they say chocolate is toxic to pets.
                          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                            CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

                            Here's an article.

                            HowStuffWorks "Is chocolate poisonous to dogs?"


                              CoCo shell mulch just killed my friends dog.

                              Thanks for caring Boss and the article explains what I didn't know.
                              sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!

