Keets you are a star girlie and Bestie is right when she says it gets better and better!
No announcement yet.
Army thread 19 feb 09
Army thread 19 feb 09
Thanks! I don't feel like an inspiration, BUT I sure do agree, that everything has slowly but surely been positively effected. Man, the depression I suffered. Such despair (sp?) There were truely days I just wished I hadn't woke up. How sad that AL was responsible for that and I kept on drinking!!??
starts...thank you! It does get better! I feel so much more hopeful, and positive about my life than just two short months ago. I honestly am surprised by the depth of change. Emotional...unfortunately, the physical change ended at about a 14 LB loss :H
I don't miss the hangovers.
I don't miss the fighting with my husband.
I don't miss the blackouts.
I don't miss not remembering going to bed.
I don't miss the guilt.
I don't miss the SHAME.
I don't miss feeling out of control of my own life,
I don't miss the CRAVINGS.
I don't miss that sinking feeling when opening the fridge and feeling panic because there are only 2 beer left and the liquor store is closed.
I enjoy the freedom from all those things.
I enjoy feeling like there is HOPE for me.
I enjoy being a non-drinker!
I couldn't have done it without the support of all the people here. I am so grateful for all of you and this site!:l:h:lStriving to live life without ALCOHOL
Army thread 19 feb 09
I can't agree with you more Keeta..........I couldn't have done it without the support of all the people here. I am so grateful for all of you and this site!.
A HUGE congrats on 60 day!
Army thread 19 feb 09
red...thank you!
I really do love this place.
You can beat this bastard AL....never give up!
thanks for the congrats!
You WILL reach your goals Cy, I have no doubt!
I honestly never thought in a bazillion years I could go 2 months without booze.
I did.
There is nothing special or extraordinary about me, so I promise you if I can do it, Cy, you CAN too!Striving to live life without ALCOHOL
Army thread 19 feb 09
Hi Everybody
As some of you know I am back on the Sinclair method after dabbling with it in October. This time round after a shaky start when I was very nauseous it has been great- the Sinclair method requires that you drink every time a craving hits (after taking Naltrexone- no drinking without it) and it has been wonderful for me, while drinking I exp?rience very little pleasure, and by the time I reach beer number 3, I can't even finish it- hence I have been arriving home sober, going to bed sober and waking up hangover free.
I haven't mentioned the Sinclair method to my BF as he has heard so many broken promises over the years, and since opening the shop I have been a lot more controlled anyway, so I don't want him to begin worrying that by trying something new I will backslide, and trying to explain to somebody that the new method involves obligatory drinking is not an easy conversation to have.
This morning I had a bad headache (not a hangover- only 2 drinks yesterday) and took a migraine tablet which make me feel sick.
The BF just came in the shop and I told him I still don't feel great and would close the shop early, and hopefully be in bed by 9.30 pm.
"Why don't you just drink a litre or two of beer and then you can just crash out," was his helpful suggestion. I reminded him I never have any trouble sleeping, with or without alcohol.
Well at least he has a very short memory- he has obviously already forgotten how bad my alcohol problem has been and all the shit that my drinking has caused over the last 8 years he has been with me.
Army thread 19 feb 09
I go in for a biopsy in a couple of hours....not expecting anything but positive news. I had two last year and the Dr just wants to confirm all is well. Send some positive vibes my way in about 2 hours.....thanks you guys!"People usually fail when they are on the verge of success. So give as much care to the end as to the beginning." Lao-Tzu