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Debate: socially acceptable drugs and addictions

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    Debate: socially acceptable drugs and addictions

    I was inspired to start this by a paragraph I remember from Trainspotting by Irvine Welsh in which Renton (for those of you who arne't familiar with the book/film he is the protagonist) discusses 'socially acceptable drugs and addictions'.

    So people I want your opinions: what is it that separates alcoholics from junkies? the illegality is obvious but both are serious, chronic addictions - yet alcoholics are more often met with pity, junkies met with disgust. More's the point, what makes it acceptable for somebody to be a smoker, but not a drinker in the same sense? Why is it that I can go into a shop tomorrow and buy beer and cigarettes, but not marijuana or other similar drugs? When all is said and done the difference in dangers between many of these things are small: if you smoke you will die younger, alcoholics die younger, those who take the majority of drugs die younger (though obviously I do not suggest that alcohol is as dangerous as heroin, MDMA etc).

    So my final question for all of you: How did society decide that i may have a cup of coffee every morning, and be addicted to that, but that i should not be addicted to other substances, no matter how harmless said addiction can in some cases be? Furthermore, when was it that society narrowed it's mind, allowing us all to try alcohol, cigarettes, gambling... but not minor drugs of an equally, if not less, addictive nature?

    Anybody can get involved, the aim is to get eveyrbody thinking, debating, and putting across views that perhaps they would not otherwise be able to express on this forum.
    The way I change the past is by not repeating it
    -James Hetfield, Metallica

    Debate: socially acceptable drugs and addictions

    I think it comes down to how the substance makes you behave.Alcohol is fairly cheap and legal so people don't break the law to buy it and have to turn to robbery to pay for it.
    Since drugs are illegal they tend to be sold in back alleys and in crack house where as alcohol is easily gotten from a corner pub or a grocery store. I also think there is a huge difference between how the public perceives Men and Woman alcoholics... coffee won't impair your driving so you are not likely to kill Innocent people by drinking to much of it. Can't really comment much on Marijuana because I have never smoked it, not because i am a goodie two shoes but because I was 25 years old before I ever lit a match. I was so afraid of fire.
    sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


      Debate: socially acceptable drugs and addictions

      Actually at this is me with my factual head on. Once believe it or not I did a talk on alcohol. Yes, I know, it beggars belief. Also cigarettes and the use of 'illegal' drugs. It is true to say that more people die from alcohol and cigarettes than heroin, cannabis (never been known to kill a person, unless they get depressed and take their own life), cocaine, mind you that is very dodgy on the old ticker. The reason that they are 'legal' is that the Governments get lots of taxes from these things. I have not got a clue why they are legal. It is all mass hypocrosy to me. Plus and this is what I find rather odd. More money is ploughed into rehabilition of the illegal drug user than the cigarettes and alcohol. I think, it is a cheaper and profitable way to kill the masses. Am I being synical here. ? Love you Evie Lou you are a princess Swedish queen.....


        Debate: socially acceptable drugs and addictions

        I'm right up there with Maddy on this one! Mass hypocrisy in my eyes too.

        I feel though it doesn't matter what drug you choose legal or not they are only symptoms of our underlying addiction. What causes us to use in the first place? What is deemed acceptable or unacceptable? I didn't give a shit cause I've said it many times recently on here I would kick the arse end out of anything as long as I got escape from having to face reality. It's NEVER been about what drugs I took it was always about the reasons why I took drugs in the first place acceptable or not.

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          Debate: socially acceptable drugs and addictions



            Debate: socially acceptable drugs and addictions

            Very good thing to discuss TG.. Here is a link to a documentary that gives a fair bit of background on the economic war on drugs & the war between industries which of course pay the given government of the day and have an interest in the drug being legal/commercially available or not.
            Hemp Revolution part 1 of 2


              Debate: socially acceptable drugs and addictions

              Kinda compares to the beauty/drug/cosmetic surgery industry also.. why would any government in it's right mind kill off an industry that is paying them so well? Just because a few people get hurt?

