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Army Thread 20th February

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    Army Thread 20th February

    Good Morning Folks!

    So its Friday again, even though I am not working, I still like Friday, it feels like I can relax even more than normal :H

    Today, I have to go to the dentist, because I broke a tooth, and then I am meeting a friend for lunch. I havent seen her for quite a while and it will be nice to catch up.

    Have a great day everyone. See you later x
    Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
    Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009

    Army Thread 20th February

    Good morning. I have my nephew coming over for his birthday card and money..... I am cooking him something to eat. But I am just pottering around in the house, on my own, like the sad cow that I am.....:upset: you have a good day also...... enjoy lunch


      Army Thread 20th February

      Maddy, you are NOT a sad cow!
      I LOVE pottering around the house on my own, I do it often enough, it feeds my soul, gives me time to think.
      Have a wonderful time with your nephew. Are you making him eggy mayo sarnies :-)
      Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
      Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


        Army Thread 20th February

        Do you know what? No I am not making him egg mayo sandwiches. I am making him chicken!!! He is a burger-ry, kievy type of person. He is in a bad space at the moment. Poor sod. He was 14 when mum was murdered and he is just 'not right'. I am keeping my eye on him. :h


          Army Thread 20th February

          Well, I am sure he will appreciate it. At least he has you to talk to and look after him.
          Living now and not just existing since 9th July 2008
          Nicotine Free since 6th February 2009


            Army Thread 20th February

            Morning madds and starts and all to come.
            Its so good to see you posting again Madds. x
            Good luck with the dentist starts.
            To Infinity And Beyond!!


              Army Thread 20th February

              Morning Oney. How does Wob feel about his drinking? Does he ever talk about it?
              I made a bit of a mistake yesterday. I was finishing the wendy house and was doing the floor. I thought I would just pour some out and spread it across the floor, but when I tipped the paint a massive blob of it came out. I managed to get some off the floor with a spoon, but the floor is still wet this morning, and I dont think it will ever dry! Oh poohy pants!
              To Infinity And Beyond!!


                Army Thread 20th February

                Morning Zenny.
                Alcohol disturbs our sleep in a big way. We dont get natural sleep. Alcohol and Sleep - Alcohol Alert No. 41-1998
                To Infinity And Beyond!!


                  Army Thread 20th February

                  I can relate to the all or nothing. As you know! I am not physically dependant on alcohol, and can go lenghy periods without it. But once I start there is no stopping me. And the binges get worse and worse as time goes on.
                  To Infinity And Beyond!!


                    Army Thread 20th February

                    hi all,sorry to here of all the woes,heading into the weekend,paint on the floor,drunk in husbands hopefully he didnt drive home and hows the dog onester,broken teeth ouch,get they get the killer,very sad,i was watching a show last nt on capital punishment,i believe in it still,take a life you lose yours,specially with no doubt,that's my opinion,they showed how hanging worked,1 out of 10 times the head got decapitated,yikes,then there was the firing squad 5 people would shoot, if it didnt work the head person would go over and shoot them in the head, then came the electric chair,holly sh it,and lethal injection,the latter are very cruel,but on the other hand so were there crimes,sure hope it gets better for all,yes gyco is well,have a wonderful day


                      Army Thread 20th February

                      do you know it is an absolutely beautiful day here in London. Sun is shining and for the first time in yonks I do not have my heating on. Oh I am not sure if I believe in capital punishment. I certainly did not agree with them hanging Ruth Ellis. Poor cow. Poor children of hers. Son committed suicide and daughter died of cancer. It always worries me that they get the wrong person. Just not sure.....


                        Army Thread 20th February

                        A quick hello from The Vladster, re-installing yet another machine at work. Least it's not mine anymore - mine is now sweeeeeeeeeet!
                        Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                          Army Thread 20th February

                          cymru;553058 wrote: I managed to get some off the floor with a spoon...
                          With a spoon!!! :H
                          Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track. Proverbs 3:6 The Message


                            Army Thread 20th February

                            Zenstyle;553084 wrote: Oops, just realized what I typed... talk about drama mama... they didn't give her a "transfusion" (good grief, pass me the pan stick!) they just gave her blood...

                            Yep, alcohol really does screw with the sleep Cy. And cutting back on it screws with it too so I can't win! Last night was just plain worry over my mum though and I think my sleep patterns should start to normalize soon. Plus, I couldn't take a pill cos I had to be up in the middle of the night to call the hospital. (We're five hours behind the UK - 9 o' clock is 4 a.m. here.)

                            I know someone like Wob - who doesn't drink when he works out and eats healthy but when he does drink, look out. He can't just have one beer he has to get tanked, and usually it's a bender that lasts for days. I don't think Wob could be as bad as this guy though.

                            Morning Gyco! And goodnight Gyco! Cos off to bed goeth I! Less talk about sleep and more doing it!

                            Catch you all later!
                            I think that guy is me!!!
                            To Infinity And Beyond!!


                              Army Thread 20th February

                              Morning Vlad.
                              A big serving spoon at that!! I was trying to scoop it in with the paint brush. Oh dear....
                              To Infinity And Beyond!!

