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What do I say to myself?

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    What do I say to myself?

    Hi all,
    I haven't been on here for a while. I was planning abstinence for a year - managed 6 months, which is cool. I need to remain sober for another year, but the last time I told myself "If I can't do a year, I can never drink again," which made me stick to it for all that time.

    Unfortunately, my depression got in the way and I had moments where I was about to commit suicide if I didn't have a drink. (I had never experienced my depression before in it's full horror in the cold light of sobriety) So that's why it was only 6 months rather than a year.

    Anyway, I need to give myself a reason to do do a year again - a real, sticking reason. I am going to be seeing a counsellor on a weekly basis, so I hope that will keep a handle on the depression. But I need a motto for myself as important as the one I used and TRULY BELIEVED before. I can't do it if I don't believe in the reason.

    Any clues guys and gals?
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    What do I say to myself?

    Hey Kimberley,
    I had a similar experience to yours at first, till I discovered the supps.. I am half a world away from MWO so bought what I could find based on the advice in the book.. it made a DRAMATIC difference to my mood and made the possibility of climbing out of the hole possible for the first time for me.
    I think particularly the oils, which you may be able to get quickly from somewhere near, and the amino complete.. I can't get that here so I still order it regularly from MWO now they have it here.
    Good Luck and Welcome Back!


      What do I say to myself?


      I'm new to MWO, but not new to trying to stay AF. The last time I stayed AF for 4 months. I did it because my father was ill and I had to be sober to be able to take care of him. It lasted 2 months after he died. Then I went full blown into drinking. Before that after years of drinking I went several years sober.

      This time I am doing it for myself. I think that is the difference and I found this website to express how I feel and to meet people who are going thru the same thing.

      I don't have a motto for you, but for me I guess my motto is I am going to be AF so that I can see my grandchildren grow up, get married and have children.

      Best of luck in your journey!
      RUM IS POISON AF since 09/28/09

      "The hangover last a lot longer than the buzz!!!" quote from FloridaBoy


        What do I say to myself?

        Hi Kimberley

        A year is such a long time to think about; I'd be overwhelmed looking that far ahead. May not help for you but couldn't you try breaking it down into more manageable chunks. Hopefully the end result will be the same but you can do it in baby steps with rewards along the way. As for mottos I like the yesterday one about how the worst AF day is loads better than the best day with AL. And read the what I hate and loathe about drinking thread and write your own.

        It is hard and I'm not good at this. I suffer from crippling depression. But depression goes in cycles; it nearly always goes into remission by itself as the body seeks to restore a state of equilibrium. Try to keep this in mind at the worst times. I embrace my depression. I wear it like a comforting blanket. Its the mystery of it; enjoying feeling so bad; how twisted is that? Think it comes down to how much respect and love you have for yourself at the end of the day. Sorry I've started rambling. I'll sign off! Good luck anyway.
        AF since 19 January with a week's holiday last week. Today is AF day 1sigpic


          What do I say to myself?

          hi kim,you ve shown you have it in you to give it up,i use the 24 hour clock,i try not to think of what happened yesterday,or tomorrow,just today,then start all over,like using al and drugs,habit,once yuo find a new way of thinking,the thots slowly deminish,but never go away,that is my xperience rt now i wish you well gyco


            What do I say to myself?

            Dearest Kim, For me the Biggest reason is that I want to LIVE life and as long as AL is in it I only EXIST and AL LIVES...Life is to precious to just EXIST when you have the ability to truly LIVE a happy, sober, productive life....The choice is yours ?????
            sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


              What do I say to myself?

              I need to remain sober for another year, but the last time I told myself "If I can't do a year, I can never drink again," which made me stick to it for all that time.
              It strikes me that this is a fairly negative statement. You need to come up with something positive. No words like "can't" and "never". Those are depressing words. I like the signature line of Doggygirl as a motto. Have you seen it? She mostly posts in the Monthly Abstinence group. Check it out. I think it is something like, 'I can drink any time I choose. I choose not to." Something like that.

              Good luck to you!

              Dont forget, you can: start late, start over, be unsure, try and fail AND STILL SUCCEED!

              If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you will find an excuse.


                What do I say to myself?

                Hi Kim,
                Well you have certainly proven that you can do it! I am with Evie. I want to "Show up" for life. I look forward to reading of your progress. best wishes.
                "Decide-Which Voice in Your Head you Can Keep Alive" (Shinedown)


                  What do I say to myself?


                  Someone's signature here says-Living life...not just excising. That says it all for me. I want to live life. All of it, the good and the bad.
                  AF since 7/26/2009

                  "There is nothing noble in being superior to other man. The true nobility is being superior to your previous self."--Hindu proverb.

                  "Sobriety isn't a landing but rather a journey." anonymous


                    What do I say to myself?

                    Hello Kimberley, What I find very strange is that all us drinkers seem to have or have suffered from severe, crippling depression. I know that underlined that seems to be the cause of my drinking and then as we all know drink is a major cause of depression so this vicious cycle ensues. Good luck with your journey, ultimately the year thing is one of my personal goals.

                    One day at a time. May be the only advise I can offer you. As for your depression, which is my trusted friend at times, I always say, 'this too will pass' and go with the dark thoughts. Good luck:h

