I couldn't have done it without you guys...everyone who knows me & those I haven't met properly yet, THANKYOU. I'm lurking a lot of the time so I've probably read your posts, and they've all helped immensely *getting teary*
I love those shots in House & Garden magazine of the Mummy & Daddy & kids in a beautiful, crisp bed on a Sunday morning...all smiling & the sun shining through the window - that was never a reality for me until now. I was more bedragled/dehydrated than beautiful!!!
I always wanted to be one of those people who could have a nice dinner & a couple of glasses of wine on a Sat night, watch a movie & go to bed...well now I'm finally becoming what I always wanted to be
The things that have helped so far (just at the beginning of my journey really) are the supplements - I take them religiously, the CDs - I listen religiously, this site - I;m here religiously, I eat well & exercise 3-4 times a weeks (37yrs old & 2 kids later & in better shape than when I was 27 that's for sure!:H)and the final thing is that I WANT IT.
Anyway, I feel great love & respect for all of you just for being here - thanks again.
Sorry for the long post & it's all about me...I know I've only just started and there'll be tuff times to come but I'm gettin' there.
Angel xo