Go Suzy Q !!!!
Now then, I need you to put on a pair of your cleverest clogs that are as clever as a cunning fox whom is jolly clever...

If it's advisable to try to cut out as much sugar as you can ( I am typing this sucking a mint humbug by the way - It is my last line of defence against 'The Thing' if the L-Glut under tongue doesn't pack that punch ) - sorry I digress..., why is it not good to drink say Diet coke or Lemonade ( 7up ) ? Can I not just fool my body that it is sugar ? because I use it as a treat in between the several thousand glasses of water. I still spend every waking moment with a glass in my hand or at my side, even tho it's not wine, I feel panicky if it's not with me all of the time. Do you think this will pass.? Or is it my comfort blanket until I'm a bit further along this road?
Thanks Ms Cloggers