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Diet/food program?

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    Diet/food program?


    Go Suzy Q !!!!

    Now then, I need you to put on a pair of your cleverest clogs that are as clever as a cunning fox whom is jolly clever...

    If it's advisable to try to cut out as much sugar as you can ( I am typing this sucking a mint humbug by the way - It is my last line of defence against 'The Thing' if the L-Glut under tongue doesn't pack that punch ) - sorry I digress..., why is it not good to drink say Diet coke or Lemonade ( 7up ) ? Can I not just fool my body that it is sugar ? because I use it as a treat in between the several thousand glasses of water. I still spend every waking moment with a glass in my hand or at my side, even tho it's not wine, I feel panicky if it's not with me all of the time. Do you think this will pass.? Or is it my comfort blanket until I'm a bit further along this road?

    Thanks Ms Cloggers
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

    Bambs aka Hydrogen

    :h XXX :h


      Diet/food program?

      Great going Susan:l

      I also feel much better off of sugar and I've found that getting rid of wheat and dairy, except some fat free plain yogurt, really helped keep me straight. Another trick to help keep me on track is planning and although I hate most canned things, because I'm supposed to try and eat something every 2-3 hours, it can be a blessing to keep the little easy open cans of tuna and chicken breast handy...Just the right portion size and helps keep me on track! Congrats on the weight loss too!


        Diet/food program?

        Good for you Suzy!

        I am game Jenneh, I have pretty much been doing that since I stopped the higher level of alcohol!

        I was diagnosed with hypoglycemia as a kid of 18. It is the opposite of diabetes but the precursor to it. So from a very young age, I did my homework and CV1 you have hit it on the head. I do the small portions of high protein often. I really don't feel well if I don't. Over the years what has been really sad is I developed lactose intolerance. HORRIBLE diagnosis for me as I ate yogurt every day. Loved my cheeses too!

        Now I start my morning with 2 scoops of soy protein, all in one mixed together in a glass of soy milk. Finally found one I really like the taste of! Get it at Albertsons called Continental 8. I do the plain flavor. Vanilla one is way too sweet for my tastebuds.

        The alcohol consumption snuck in within the past 10 years and it has wreaked some havoc on my blood sugar. I have only lost 5 lbs in 4 months but I am 5' 7" and now weigh 122 lbs. It is good on my frame. I have lost inches and that horrible nasty bloat around my waist.

        I always, eat whole grains and brown rice. I think I need to up my water intake though. I get too focued on work and lose site of how little water I have consumed in an afternoon.

        Yes, being hungry when I get home from work, if I can't wait, I pull out celery, carrots or some nuts to get through for a bit so I don't crave the alcohol so much. Also the time I get on the bike while I have dinner in the oven.

        Hugs to all of you, these are wonderful accomplishments!!


          Diet/food program?

          Great stuff everyone!

          To answer your question, Bambs, the reason I don't drink diet soda/pop is 1) I really try to stick with organic, natural type food and drinks (even a lot of my wine was organic-- ) and 2) I have found that Aspartame, which they use as a sugar subs, makes me totally weird and took me a while to figure it out, but it really does have that effect on me!
          "I'm a sucker for a good resurrection story." Anne Lamott


            Diet/food program?

            Hello all...I can't help but be interested in food is a GREAT way to cook boneless, skinless chicken breasts...just mix one cup of catsup, and couple dashes of soy sauce (or not) and a can of diet coke...bring to boil...then simmer for 45 min...uncover and turn up the heat until the sauce is soooooooo danggggggg good...and simple...just wanted to share that...everyone and I mean EVERYONE has been so supportive to me the past few days I have been here...I am waiting for my All One and other things to get here, picking up my sups tomorrow then, on with the show. Thanks to all of you, every day seems to be getting better and better for me.


              Diet/food program?

              Did you get teh topa???
              Over 4 months AF :h

