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    Good Morning All:

    Feeling good - feeling energetic this Monday after a pretty darn good week-end. I've cut my drinking back by 2/3's and am aiming for more. There's just one problem I'm noticing - I'm crabby and short-tempered! I feel good, feel rested and better physically than I have in a long time so what's up with the crabbiness? Crabby with hubby, sort of with co-workers (trying to rein it in there a little bit). Anyone else experience this?
    If so, please let me know how you over came it.

    Trish In Omaha

    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
    Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
    Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
    : Humility.

    "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood



    Yes I AM crabby actually! Are you taking topa? Because I was wondering if it is the topa? I was doing some research on the internet and found some reference that topa made some people "mean". Oh God, has anyone else found this? I have found that I have been a little "snappy" lately. To the point where hubby asks me "are you ni a good mood" nervously once in a while...okay often....not good....
    Over 4 months AF :h



      I don't think the topa itself makes me crabby. But it does make me tired and have difficulty motivating myself, and THAT makes me crabby, espec. if too much comes at me at once.

      Trish, if you have cut back on your drinking that much, you may be feeling pretty good about yourself, and your body may be feeling better in some ways, but it may also be in a bit of shock and adjustment in others. Don't underestimate the impact that cutting back on your drinking may be having on you, even though you are feeling pretty good in most ways!! Just a thought.... Can't address this with Jenneh, because you've been here longer, and I don't know where you are at with drinking Jenneh!

      Hugs and love,

      Kathy:h :l
      AF as of August 5th, 2012



        Hope it's not Topa!


        Just started on Topa last Wednesday so I'm only on 25 mg - Yikes! Hate to think what I may be like at 250 or 300!!! I think young may be right - my body may be a little p.o.'ed cause it's not getting it's large daily dose of downers. I'll let you know how it goes...

        Trish In Omaha

        Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
        Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
        Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
        : Humility.

        "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood



          Dear Trish,

          I have not taken the topa but my first few abs days by day number 5, I was definitely crabby. I had very little physical change but that mental change of not being who I have been for a few years now was a bit much to get past. Even with out the topa, I had to lay off that calms forte until the night time as I was falling asleep in the day and that made me cranky, crabby as Kathy mentioned because I couldn't get accomplished what I wanted to.

          Have you tried the CD's yet? While they calm me, they give me a reason to not be crabby because I am working towards a better me. The healthy one I deserve to be.




            I also think i am crabby because

            I dont have the desire to get wasted anymore - so i dont have that escapism/release of getting drunk and therefore if I am having a boring/crap*y/blah or annoying day I have to actually just DEAL with that as opposed to buzzzzzzz UP UP AND AWAY.
            Hmmf. Crabby.
            In fact, I cried for 10 minutes in the work bathroom stall. How's that for emotional. Oh boy, facing real emotions now.
            Hugs all
            Over 4 months AF :h



              You guys....the changes in your body from less booze in itself in enough to make ya crabbos. Topa could contribute. So could diet, blood sugar, and blah blah blah. I think the escapism that Jen said could be the most of it. And if thats the case. Brace yourselves....more is coming. Its part of the recovery and healing process. Give yourself permission to experience changes and know that it is important so dont try to minimize it. And you know like everything else it will pass. Jen....the bathroom stall cry was GOOD! Honor the changes that are happening and give them the love that they deserve. Ok bye. still working on my skunk doggie. Gabby
              Gabby :flower:



                Hmmmm, those real emotions

                Thanks for the good words, Gabby! It is a big adjustment to learn to live as yourself again without the protective armour of alcohol.

                Yeah, those REAL emotions.... It's funny because I have a hard time dealing with the boredom sometimes--alcohol makes me unaware or not care if I'm bored. At the same time, when sober, I can also get overwhelmed easily with feelings too. It's like the pendulum can swing back and forth from understimulation to overstimulation without much provocation.

                I think I get stuck sometimes worrying that it will ALWAYS be like this. I don't think that I'm going through withdrawal stuff anymore, except for Friday night, it's been almost 2 weeks, but definitely there's still emotional withdrawal!! Like how do I do this sober??? I just feel at sixes and sevens sometimes and don't know what to do with myself unless it is very structured for me, like going to work. And yes, crying IS good. I should do more of it, myself!

                Oh well, onward and upward!

                Hugs, Kathy:l
                AF as of August 5th, 2012



                  HA! I gotta laugh, so quick to throw out those grand words of wisdom but I gotta confess to all. I dont follow my own advise and take the hard road all the time.

                  Gabby :flower:



                    I have to admit

                    I kind of enjoyed the cry a lot. I am just glad no one walked into the washroom. I was sobbing a bit. It might have scared people. Wouldnt have been my usual "cool" self then LOL
                    Over 4 months AF :h



                      Crabby Happens! A lot more lately

                      There is so much we use alcohol to assist us with that not using it can be very hard. I used the sugar in it to motivate me around the house, or I did until I drank to much and then I wanted a nap. Or I drank to much just so the people in my house would leave me alone and let me get a nap. Now all that is changing. And change is not easy.

                      I have been crying on and off all week, I keep missing my cat who died of old age in May and if someone else tries to give me a kitten I just might scream. (I know they mean well) :s

                      Get on and off the emotional roller coaster that is now!

                      :l Laura
                      Humor is just another defense against the universe!



                        So many good thoughts!

                        Thanks for so many great replies. I've been peeking in while at the office today - glad I'm not in this boat alone. What everyone is saying makes so much sense. We're kind of out there in the "real world" now - not having our feelings masked by too much booze. Hopefully, things will regulate. And Jen, there's nothing I like more than a good cry - we should all do it more often!

                        hugs everyone!
                        Trish In Omaha

                        Shepard James 'Shep' Walker: I think it can best be said..."The road to hell is paved with good intentions."
                        Sidda: Well, what about the road back? What's that paved with?
                        Shepard James 'Shep' Walker
                        : Humility.

                        "Divine Secrets of the Ya Ya Sisterhood




                          I have notices my moods are all over the place. I think there is real truth regarding how I just numbed the difficult times with wine. Now, I am dealing with my issues sober and it is humbling. Getting stressed with the kids, work or hubby I don't have the crutch of running to the fridge and pouring myself a large glass of wine and waiting for the stress to evaporate. I must say it has been downright painful at times. The positive point is I have coped well and made it through without alcohol. I have to believe that there will continue to be rough times as well as great times. I am re-learning how to face them head on and sober. Thanks you guys for sharing and for listening.



